Plenty of what broadhead threads, but I'm truly curious what broadhead you guys seem to get the best blood trails with for heart/lung shots..
When I hunted with a pully it was hands down a Spitfire.
I have shot elk, deer, and javelina now with
Iron will-elk poor blood trail, high lung and barely poking out opposite side shoulder blade (so kind of expected)
Cutthroat 3 blade- non existstant but high lungs.
Javelina-magnus stinger pretty decent.
Deer- (several) pretty decent trails all good to decent shots but not amazing blood trails.
I know I probably won't have as good of blood trails as I did with the Spitfires but I'm hoping for the best blood trails I can get.
This year I'm thinking Simmons Land sharks, VPA 3 blade, Stingers 2 blade with the bleeders, and I also bought the single bevels...
I don't want this to be the what broadhead is best, I want real life... heart/lung/whatever best results you have had.
Can't wait to get out there this time and this is just something I have been thinking about while I wait for vacation to kick in!
Happy hunting!
When I hunted with a pully it was hands down a Spitfire.
I have shot elk, deer, and javelina now with
Iron will-elk poor blood trail, high lung and barely poking out opposite side shoulder blade (so kind of expected)
Cutthroat 3 blade- non existstant but high lungs.
Javelina-magnus stinger pretty decent.
Deer- (several) pretty decent trails all good to decent shots but not amazing blood trails.
I know I probably won't have as good of blood trails as I did with the Spitfires but I'm hoping for the best blood trails I can get.
This year I'm thinking Simmons Land sharks, VPA 3 blade, Stingers 2 blade with the bleeders, and I also bought the single bevels...
I don't want this to be the what broadhead is best, I want real life... heart/lung/whatever best results you have had.
Can't wait to get out there this time and this is just something I have been thinking about while I wait for vacation to kick in!
Happy hunting!