So I’ve spent a couple weeks with them now and the jury is out.
The good: It looks pretty cool. From pictures, the bow looks funny, but in person, it looks pretty awesome. Like a short D shaped longbow with a “modern” riser.
It’s really quiet. I have no silencers on my string at this point, and I don’t know if I need to.
Bear’s quality on these seems solid. My last set of recurve limbs I ordered a couple years ago have pretty lousy finish work. There’s lines all through it, and it’s a really fragile finish. These longbow limbs are clearly not the same finish.
The bad: It’s squirrely. It’s short with minimal r/d, so it doesn’t feel all that solid at full draw. Longer limb options would be nice.
It’s… stacky? Not in a normal end-of-the-draw stack kind of way. It’s a tough draw from the get go. These 45# kind feel tougher than my 50# recurve limbs on the same bow.
My arrow flight has been less than ideal. Maybe it’s more the fault of my arrow setup, and I’m still tinkering, but flight has been very wonky with lighter arrows. When I shoot heavy arrows (620 gr), they fly very straight and very quiet, but drop like a rock at 20 yards.
My impressions may change with more experimentation, but so far I’m not loving them.