Barbary Sheep

Congrats on the ram. Definitely something I would like to do one of these years. Thanks for sharing.

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So for a quick rundown on some items. It was literally a day hunt that was guided and I stayed in a hotel so not much gear review.

I have vortex razor hd 10x42. After that day of hunting I am thinking for open terrain type hunting I want to move to 15x's. The outfitter and his guide both ran 15x50 leica and swaros and when and where he had spotted those sheep, I would have probably just scanned over them and missed them with my 10x42s.

I went with New Mexico Arrowhead Outfitters, Justin Medina. I met him on an elk hunt in the same area last year. He was guiding another hunter and I was tagging along with a flat-lander buddy of mine. They killed a big six point elk that opening morning and with me wanting to get a tag it seemed an obvious choice. I have nothing but good to say about Justin. Communication was great and he knows his stuff. He guides mainly there on southern New Mexico, but I highly recommend him for his skill and professionalism.

As far as boots, I don't know how all growing up I ever hunted with the old boots I would use. Last year I picked up a pair of the Cabelas Mendl Denalis and I love them. I have not owned any other similar boots by crispi, kennetrek, lowa, schnees, etc. so I can't compare, but I love the stiffness and full rand. Especially for that country that is so jagged, rocky and spiney. I think for myself going forward, if I am rifle hunting I will always run the stiff sole and upper boot with full rand. That being said, however, for early season archery I will probably go with something that has a little more feel through the sole because it is so dang hard to be extra quiet.

The gun I'm shooting is a Browning X Bolt Pro Tungsten topped with the new vortex FFP Diamonback Tactical. At just over a hundred yards didn't get to test out optics or long range accuracy too much, but from my time on the range I have been impressed with both. At 300 yards my average grouping was about 1.5". As far as the scope, it is good for now, but will probably upgrade in the future once I have made all my other hunting purchases. :)

I shot the winchester silverpoint ballistic tip 150 grain ammo. It did what it was supposed to do, big entry, no exit and I am just assuming heart and lungs were toast with location of shot.

Going to start cutting up meat tonight and I'll update with my thoughts on taste once I cook some up.

Back strap and tenderloins. Second pic is backstrap all trimmed. Other half of strap is under wider piece. Looks good!! Probably get around to cooking some this weekend.

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Congrats on the Aoudad! Awesome and tasty animals. I have a family ranch in southern Texas with a healthy population but never had the chance to harvest one. Follow up on what you think about the taste and any good recipes to prepare it.
Tried some back strap today. Tried to do it sous vide and overcooked it. So I ended up slicing it thin and used it as lunch meat. It was good and not gamey at all. My 4 year old approved and kept running around saying how he wanted more sheep sandwich!!

Even my wife was surprised with how mild it was. I think the challenge will be with tenderness but excited to try some more preparations.


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I think the challenge will be with tenderness but excited to try some more preparations.

Congrats on a great ram and a very unique winter hunt in the desert!

I've cooked barbary a number of ways and learned it'll never be as tender as venison or elk. It tastes as good as your ability to cook allows for. Pressure cooking really low (180-200 degrees) and really slow gives the best results. If you add a pork shoulder to the pot it'll improve the moisture content, but it'll still be relatively tough.

Since I don't have a shortage of other game meats which are inherently more tender, I'll just turn all of my barbary meat into brats and sausages.

"Never follow your passion, but always bring it with you." ~Mike Rowe
Congrats on the aoudad! Love hunting them. Want to try a New Mexico hunt next, only done west texas a few times.

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