I think the reason so many of us don't have skin-out weights is the bow, and clothes and bino harness aren't really things we're looking at weight savings as much for and never tracked them. Now looking at how big the differences can be, I can see the value in it. It's still weight we're hauling around.
You guys convinced me to try the lighterpack.com, It's been a while since I looked at my weights and I'm on the night shift with nothing else to do...
My base pack came in better than I thought. I went with 5 days and 1 liter of water to better compare to
@mtwarden I'd like to get closer to his weights!
Base 30lbs. Skin out total 50lbs.
The only thing I've added since starting to backpack is the geese feet down booties. My feet get cold before anything and they're 2oz so worth it.
Things I quit packing:
camp shoes
too much first aid (still have some)gause, bandaids, bloodclot.
Too much food
extra shirt
1 treking pole(depending on terrain, but usually have a bow in one hand and can cut a stick if I need a second for pack out)
Xtra water bottle for electrolyte, I just pour in my mouth
Xtra storage bags to organize
rain pants(only bringing if certain weather)
Some things I've never carried that I see on other list:
Poop trowel, I just use trekking pole and boot
Chair, I considered hard at first, but don't regret not ever bringing one.
pack rain cover -I might reconsider if going to AK, but haven't regretted it yet.