Average age of Rokslide folks

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In my industry as well as hunting career I generally find older people rely on experience vs younger rely on education. I’m 42 and not many people older than me grew up with the internet and are able to access the vast information it holds. An example is my father got me into bow hunting elk. We went many years and he is a great woodsman. I killed a bull more by luck than skill. Later in life I watched B&R, elk101, elknut, etc and “learned” to hunt elk. I have become a much better elk hunter now that I have had the education. Experience wouldn’t have made me as successful because I would have never learned some tactics just following my dad. If you ask him today he will tell you how to elk hunt. You never bugle, you sit wallows and occasionally cow call. He will tell you about all his experience too. He has killed a bull and cow so he does have some but not much. I’m at the stage now where I have both and have been seeing some consistent success.

My dad can’t figure out how to renew his DL through the DMV website. While I used YouTube the other day to tear down a tractor motor. Some people with experience get blinders on to any other way than theirs. I’ve generally found education to trump experience.
The 25-year-old still can't because the 25-year-old hasn't tied the shoe the 55-year-old wears little lone walked a mile in them.

Then it's not his experience to give...
The same could be said for the 55 year old. My mom could give some great advice on raising kids but when it come to more modern issues with raising kids, she is clueless. She couldn’t offer advice on contending with social media and young kids. She never had to deal with it. This is where looking at someone’s experience matters far more than age.
The same could be said for the 55 year old. My mom could give some great advice on raising kids but when it come to more modern issues with raising kids, she is clueless. She couldn’t offer advice on contending with social media and young kids. She never had to deal with it. This is where looking at someone’s experience matters far more than age.

Agree. But that young experience won't be passed up to a 55-year-old raising their first one either. It will be shared among peers or those just starting out.

Now, when it comes to grandkids, they're still your kids and the [older] baby-sitter should take your council seriously...
Agree. But that young experience won't be passed up to a 55-year-old raising their first one either. It will be shared among peers or those just starting out.

Now, when it comes to grandkids, they're still your kids and the [older] baby-sitter should take your council seriously...
I mean it could be passed up. I don’t have kids yet and I am 31. I will probably be in me early 40s before I really have to contend with that and would rather look at the younger parents that understand things a little better than I will when I am that age.

Generally when it comes to receiving advice, I would suggest looking at the outcome the person giving it had following that advice.

Also, if your looking for good advice, don’t come to the internet.
A real world example. I work with a very young engineer that often offers advice and direction on matters he clearly has no experience with. He is sharp and remembers things very well, but it's obvious he does not have the necessary credentials to offer direction in some things. He doesn't let that stop him though.

Here, a young'un shouldn't be giving directives based on what he remembers is some class somewhere. He isn't professionally mature enough yet and hasn't experienced any failures to earn a few battle scars.

This also occurs in many facets of life, and since this is a hunting site, someone could've had very limited but successful experience in calling in a bull in Sept and then tries to gove instruction and correction to someone with 30 years of hunting experience, in multiple states, in multiple scenarios all the while balancing a full time job and raising a family. His oldest son, by the way, is the same age as the advice giver.

The biggest error anyone can make is to say "what you need to do is ______"...
I'll tag onto much of the concepts here.

I started as an electrician at 8 (for my step dad-summers and after school. He owns the company-1/2 man type).

I've also been hunting since around that age.

By the time I was 20-21 and had all my cards (electrically speaking), inspectors knew me well, supply houses, etc.

Know how many other companies respected thst? Zip (sans step dads), until I proved my worth.

By hunting standards, again, rarely a year I've had tag soup. But again, my experience and advice was zip, because again, perceptions.

Now. The difference In those two though (objectively)

Electrical- I had/have experience across almost every sector. Had more years in the field by 30, then most guys in the 50s, and actual experience and knowledge. Credentials-reputation-etc, guys would call for help from plcs/ logics, to 3 phase, equipment, merc switches, pipe, residential etc

Hunting- FAR more often was luck than experience. My "experience and knowledge" was essentially developed via "they (old boys) always put me in x spot/geo/terrain etc...so i look for x style spots...many years of ignorance before I started thinking the WHY regarding the WHERE.

I was not (and largely) am not experienced in hunting the same way I am electrically. Both I had to cut my teeth in the court of public opinion AFTER I cut my teeth with field experience.

Not all experience and knowledge are earned and used the same, or should they "measure" equally. Again, I competently, qualified and confidently wired my first house solo at 12. The same could not be said relative to hunting until much later, though (at the time) I do not view that the same.

Experience - knowledge - wisdom. All very similar, but not the same nor equal. And no one size fits all approach.

My $0.03 with inflation.
Agree. But that young experience won't be passed up to a 55-year-old raising their first one either. It will be shared among peers or those just starting out.

Now, when it comes to grandkids, they're still your kids and the [older] baby-sitter should take your council seriously...
This concept is interesting one. Do I look towards my parents for wisdom and guidance raising kids? Yes.

Was raising me in the 80-90s etc different than me raising my kids in lates 2010s-2020s? YES.

Same for hunting in the 1930s wasn't like hunting in the 1950s, 80s, 2000s.

So all things need to be considered as well.

...Though yes, sometimes a little whiskey on the gums goes farther than cuddles and hugs for a teething baby....
I'm in my 60s and have enjoyed life. Got to do a lot of different things and learn.
The outdoors have been a place that I spent most of my free time and learned a lot there too. Mostly I learn by doing it. A lot different than watching it on a computer. Stuff happens that can not be duplicated or predicted. You can't feel how the weather effects your body. You can watch all the survival stuff you want. Or how to hunt any particular animal. That little panic button is always under your butt. How you handle the pressure can not be reproduce.
To me age does matter. And so does actual experience
And age does not matter, it's all in the attitude