Are You Recoil Sensitive?

Can you shoot a magnum rifle as well as a 223 or a creedmoor?

  • Recoil does not bother me, so I shoot them the same

  • I shoot magnums better because they are more forgiving in wind

  • I shoot lower recoil better in any circumstances

  • I shoot low recoil better unsupported or off-hand, but about the same prone or from a bench

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If any of those threads included a poll similar to this, I'd love to see the results. I could not find one in my search.

While I understand your point about fatigue on the topic, I really just want the votes. If it turns into a vitriolic discussion beyond that, selfishly I'd appreciate it if it generated more votes, but I'm not looking for the answer in the comments.

I'd love to use this poll as the first step towards a modified kraft drill challenge. If you have no interest in moving the discussion forward, I completely understand.
I agree that a simple field drill challenge would be beneficial for a lot of people. That said, I think it is a loaded discussion for a lot of people. There are strong opinions in either direction.
Short answer is that yes I shoot lighter recoiling guns better. Longer answer is that when looking at actual cartridges and guns that it really depends. I recall 15 or so years back I bought 2 model 70s, a 270 ranger and a 300wm black shadow. Took them both to the range and the 300wm had notably less felt recoil and I shot it better. That 270 just kicked my ass. I mounted a better pad on it that helped but kind of messed up the ergonomics and made it harder to really get on the gun. I always shot it well enough and have hunted with it a bunch but it was never ideal.

After some shooting I was less than proud of this deer season (got the kill but after a rodeo- double lung but very low) I picked up a Tikka 6.5 that I am shooting way better. And its not because that 270 wasnt a tack driver, if I got on it prone it shoots lights out. But in field positions I just was not consistent with it.

Really for 99% of my hunting a 223 would likely suffice and I am going to grab one this summer. Worst case its a trainer, best case the 6.5 might not see any action.

I still do shoot that 300wm better than the 270 though for whatever reason and I still dont feel as much recoil from that gun as I should. Its also long and heavy and I mostly hunt deer so it never sees any actual hunting use.
I don’t think your poll captures the intent of your question very well.

Personally, I’m not recoil sensitive. I shoot a bit, and I shoot with a few folks on a somewhat regular basis. And I can shoot big boomers rather well for a handful+ of rounds, but that degrades over 10 or 15 in a row (I assume a result of a few concussions in my past) as my vision starts to get blurry after 12 rounds from something like an 8.5lb all up 300 Ultra.

I do know that doesn’t occur when I shoot stuff with low or no recoil.
Used to have access to a few Olympic level airguns an ex owned when I was younger and dumber, and invariably when my main hunting buddy would show up for a couple nights we’d get into basement improvised position 10m shooting for bragging rights.
Downright positive I’ve never shot a ctc 0.008” 3 shot group with blurry vision and a 300 Ultra over an improvised rest at any range, but I’ve done it more than once with a Feinwerkbau over the back of a couch at 10m….
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i dunno, i can shoot the magnum rifles just as well as a smaller caliber
for the first two shots
after that i have to ask myself "why am i sighting in the 7 mag for my buddy?"

evolution is a slow process.
I think there's a lot one can do to mitigate recoil on a mag rifle. Some rifles are just bad news on recoil though.

I had a Ruger No 1 chambered in 7 mag; absolutely awful to shoot. I'd like to think I can handle recoil, and shooting a 5 shot group was misery. I still own a 375 H&H mag, and it's way easier to shoot than that 7 mag. I now have a 700 clone with a carbon barrel and stock chambered in 7 mag. It does wear a can and it's a pleasure to shoot. I can do long strings with no issues.

Recently, I installed a Backfire butt pad on one my 300 WMs, and it helped a ton. It's in the 8ish LBS range and it's a lot to hold onto, but it doesn't hurt to shoot.
Sort of on topic. I’ve talked to other hunter who have experienced this as well. Getting into archery, like way into it, had an adverse affect on my rifle precision. Something about wiring my brain to hold a bow and aim threw my rifle shooting off. Most notably at the bench. I’m hoping some time with lower recoiling, suppresses rifles can restore me to my baseline.
All this field positions talk is not applicable to me personally. I am positive it has costed me a shot opportunity or 3. I only shoot 400+ if I have a nice shot opportunity. It's either off a tripod or laying prone for me. So far, I have shot animals at long range (for me is 400+) with 300 rum, 300 win, 300 wsm, 270 wsm, 270 win and
243. I would say I shoot all of them accuracy wise, the same or similar enough. I'll jinx myself and say, I'm yet to wound an animal with a rifle at LR. Admittitedly small sample size compared to some on here. The smaller cartridges are more fun to shoot repetitively tho.

Long practice sessions do show that larger cartridges are harder to shoot consistently for long periods. I will say tho cartridges is only a part of the equation for me. I have some smaller cartridge guns with no threads, which means no brake or suppressor. Those kick as much or more than others that have brakes or suppressors. Also the weight of the gun or stock design plays a large part. To many variables to say 1 cartridge is harder to shoot than others unless it's Apples to Apples.
Two or three years ago, I would have said not really recoil sensitive, but the only centerfire rifles I've shot bigger than a 30-06 was a Seekins .300 Winchester with that big brake on it and a Vanguard in .300 Weatherby with no brake. I shot the Seekins from the bench and the Weatherby standing up, just a couple of shots each. I used to be able to take a beating on the bench, 40 or 50 rounds or more of 30-06 in a 7lb rifle, a session. Same with stiff charges in a .50 muzzleloader, even a 3.5 12 ga turkey gun (well not 40 or 50 at a time with that one). Then suddenly, one day I couldn't do it anymore. My centerfire rifles are now all either .223 or .308, and my .308 hunting rifle has a radial brake on it. I shoot it very well with or without the brake, but the brake brings down enough that I'd call it very comfortable to shoot with 30-06 power loads, 165gr at 2850 in my 22" barrel. I've backed the muzzleloader loads down to 80-100 grains and it's a big difference from 120-150 grain loads. I've really been debating a 6mm of some sort, but I'd want to push the heavy long bullets. I'm not a reloader and don't care to start, so I stay with my stand buys in .223 and .308.
Speaking only for myself, and not dealing with truly heavy hitters, I shoot my lower recoiling guns better in most field positions. From prone or off a bench I think the recoil difference may be there, but its lost in the noise and I cant tell the difference. What I will say though, is that it’s the SECOND shot in a field situation where I see the biggest difference. That shot is more likely to be time-constrained, and if the recoil from the first shot is higher I am slower to get back on target and less likely to make a good followup. Thats something Ive seen clearly in practice. Of course if you never miss by a couple inches, never have twigs or wind to deal with, never make any small errors whatsoever, then you’ll never need a second shot. But seems to me thats where the biggest difference lies.
One thing I have noticed, with guys who typically shot larger rifles at animals, is that when they use a 22 centerfire on an animal, they tend to shoot it a lot more carefully.
My closest buddy in the world can shoot. And by that I mean that every now and again he’ll beat me for bragging rights on a first round hit if we are shooting beer cans at 6/7/800 yards over a pack or off sticks.
BUT, he suffers from the ‘fever pretty bad on stuff with heartbeats. He’s pretty good at running a bolt pretty quickly but he has a real bad habit of giving them a warning shot first. (He typically shoots a 7/08AI) but when he’s using his 243AI or 223AI he almost always connects with the first round, and puts it where it’s supposed to go.

I asked him once about that, he explained it away by saying “I know what these rifles are capable of, because I watch you shoot them, and so I know that the rifles are sound. There’s no excuses. These are No Excuses rifles, so I concentrate harder before I send the shot.”

Seen it a few times now with different people, they tend to work on executing the shot better with small stuff because they don’t have to think about anything else.
It'd be nice to not have any recoil but it doesn't affect me much. Been shooting a 7stw for a decade, most of it without a brake. The brake is nice, very minimal recoil, but it now shoots better with the can which adds noticeable recoil over the 5 port brake.
I am, but there are degrees. I shot a 300wm in a lightish rifle for a little while a couple decades ago. I grew a big ol’ flinch that took a long time to get rid of. I’ve learned over time there is a line around 24ish ft/lbs that I find really unpleasant above, that probably wouldn’t take long to bring that flinch back. Most of what I shoot is way below that (mid teens and down). My “big”gun is around 23 without a bare muzzle and I shoot it well, though I generally don’t shoot it high volume. With a can I suspect is will be very pleasant.

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I truly enjoy big cannons. Thinking about 338LM in near future. And for years I swore I was not recoil sensitive. However....

My most accurate gun was a 204 ruger. Next most accurate was a 22-250. All Suppressed. My current most accurate rifle is a Sako 85 1:10 243 suppressed.

Anyone notice the trend? I rarely shoot anything bigger than a .243 or a 6 Creed anymore. It's because I'm more accurate with smaller calibers than I am with a 338 or even 7RM.

To me, suppressors and fast twist .224 and 6mm cartridges are the best thing going for accuracy
I picked #4. Couple thousands rounds of 22 CM, 6.5 CM, 6 PRC and 6.5 PRC prone from a stable platform, looks no different than a couple thousand rounds of 28 Nosler, 300 NMI and 7-300 NMI from the same prone position.
Factory loads
I can shoot my .45/70 all day
My .270 has actually put a bruise on me and I think it recoils more than the above.
Yet charts show different.
6.5 CM is no issue, I'm sure my 6 arc will be like a .22 compared to the other rounds.
Ive got a big brake on my 300wm. Shot it great with ear protection. Took a quick shot at a coyote without ear protection. Caught a flinch for a while. Its more than just the kick on your shoulder. Bigger cartridges are louder. Then add a brake. Wooo doggy
I verify zero with a few more shots but don't shoot my unbraked, unsuppressed, 300 Wby over and over to avoid developing a flinch and shooting up my very well hand loaded ammo. An unbraked and unsuppressed lighter magnum is not a "joy" to shoot, but they are shootable. My suppressed 300 WSM is not bad at all.

Fwiw, I never "practice" shooting technique with hard kicking guns either rifle, revolver, or pistol. It's easier to avoid developing a flinch than it is to get over it. If I had only one, it wouldn't be a hard kicking one.
Noise/concussion impacts my shooting more than recoil. That being said I find I shoot rifles that recoil less consistently better. I find most guns up to 30-06 relatively comfortable to shoot