Average age of Rokslide folks

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42, I feel like these days I can barely afford to hunt and the cost is going up. I would be frustrated by the cost if I was making what I did in my 20’s.
At 54 I’m still very active, not like I was at 24, but still enjoy the outdoors.

In my younger days, we’d climb in an out of drainages like mountain goats.

Today, I’m not ashamed to say that if an easier path exists, I’ll take it! 😎
Bunch of young'uns out there. At least now I know the age groups of members when I get a tongue lashing and "corrective counseling" on my way of thinking and doing things.
I am 44 and have a 20 and a 22 year old that have hunted and fished with me pretty much since they started walking. There is hope for the younger generation.
Is this only for the cis-aged? What about those who identify as a different age than as to the date assigned at birth?
that’s a big range. No way I was getting married in my twenties. I’m 36 and my oldest is 4
I'm 36 as well. I got married at 21 (and still married to the same lady), but my oldest is only 5.

Damn it, I'm only 35. That is what I get for writing a post after bein up for 26 hours while drinking in the airport. Really though, after 30 who the hell cares about years, it is like saying you are 10 and a half or 58 months.