Atlas cooler 25% discount group buy now open, june 1- june 30

Just curious, has anybody kept track of the total number of coolers or the total dollar value that was ordered as part of this deal?
I'd be amazed if that was even possible.
Lots of people have ordered that haven't & won't post here. I know I've personally shared the deal on 2 other forums that've generated multi-thousand dollar orders (offshore fishermen...)

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I placed my order on June 24th and my CC has not been charged yet, has anyone else placed their order and not had their CC hit? Not worried about it since my order is still showing up on Altas's site- just thought we were being charged once the order was placed.
No charge here either I bet it hits your CC when you get the shipping email. At least that is what I'm expecting or hoping for.
I was charged day of but I ordered during the first 2 weeks. ......I know they changed the way initially they were going to be charging people.
No charge here either I bet it hits your CC when you get the shipping email. At least that is what I'm expecting or hoping for.

I mis-spoke here. I was charged already for the full amount since my order was placed after the 10k limit was reached. Just waiting for a shipping email. :) Can't wait to see what their products are like, I also ordered 4 of their cups separately which are on backorder to see how those are.
Has anyone had their order status change? Mine still says "being processed". It also says the items are currently on backorder and are scheduled to ship on 07/21/16.
There's another thread in this forum that has all the information you seek called "Atlas Coolers - anyone get a shipping notice yet?"