About 6 years ago my wife and I flew our 1956 Cessna 172 from the Adirondacks to Southern California and back. We took 25 days, enjoyed ourselves and purposefully avoided all news for the entire trip. We flew down to Kentucky, through Arkansas, Kansas, New Mexico (landed in Roswell), to Santa Monica, up the pacific coast to Portland, into the Idaho backcountry (Johnson Creek), through Indiana, on to Bar Harbor, Maine and finally back home. We landed in red, blue and purple states, near cities and in some pretty desolate locations. Had the same experience as Hunt1up, great people, kind and gracious, eager to help strangers and just going about their lives. Americans. No one looked to see if they could label us as an enemy because of our political views, because we didn’t discuss them. There were too many other things to talk about. During a career in the Navy I lived on both coasts and drove across country 4 times moving coast, to coast, to coast, to coast and traveled a lot up and down both coasts. I met a lot of good Americans every where we went. No one was an enemy, or a communist, or a fascist. There are some bad people out there, but there are way more good people. There there are some bad things happening in America, but there is more good happening, done by good Americans of all beliefs and lifestyles, than we have any idea of. Don’t let the media, social or mainstream, left biased or right biased make you put on shite colored glasses to view the world through. Life is way too short, and way too precious to let that happen.
One man’s opinion.