Are we at war ?

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That’s a terrible name for an operation. They should’ve called me.

Operation dead red
Operation seas disease
Operation filthy pirate hooker

The list goes on
Operation Prepare for Asphalt. Whole region is a continuous cluster and we need to stop screwing off with it.
Are we at war, no. In conflict, yes. Will it escalate? Maybe eventually. I’ve been hearing for the last 13 years that “in a year or two we will be at war/trading shots with/trading paint with (China/Iran/Russia) in the (GOA/EMED/SCS/NAG)” from O-6s and senior.

Getting sick of hearing it, but have to be wary nonetheless.

Til then, this gets our old SM-2 inventory down to make room for new stuff, and gets us a lot of good practical application of button pushing beyond highly scripted (or simulated) events.
Allies form " Operation Prosperity Guardian " . I guess thats the official name of the current mission in the Red Sea
The names for these military operations are so fake and stupid “Enduring Freedom” “Operation Prosperity Guardian” that absolutely nobody on the planet takes seriously.

DoD probably pays some Harvard grad big money to think these names up
I feel like our government declared war on it's own citizens when they released covid, destroyed the economy, forced a toxic jab, sent all our money over seas and opened up our borders. Am I missing something? Do they have to fire a gun at us for it to be war? Cause they kill innocent civilians too.
I think the definition of War has changed from the days of massive invasions.
Modern war has evolved to a myriad of computer hacking, mind control of the citizenship and collapsing a countries infrastructure Among other things.

What would happen if China was to sell all of their ( massive) US treasury holdings?

What happens if our power grid, communications and water supply was to go off grid for weeks?

There are many ways to make a country more compliant including subtle changes that make a country a softer target Which I think is happening right now.

Think of the disrespect for veterans that have risked their life for our country? The removal of the pledge of allegiance in schools…and the kneeling…..

Its all a weakening of our nationalism which will be the death of us …..and to think its almost all from one political party….
It's interesting how 20 years ago, some people preached the existence and dangers of the military industrial complex, and in more recent times as executive power has switched hands, those same people are saying that the military industrial complex is a conspiracy theory and we should not question our government's decision to fund a foreign war against one of the few super powers capable of creating a global war.
I think the definition of War has changed from the days of massive invasions.
Modern war has evolved to a myriad of computer hacking, mind control of the citizenship and collapsing a countries infrastructure Among other things.
I agree here. If you can effectively get a country into "checkmate" without having to resort to hard/lethal methods, you've won.
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious . . . It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

Those words are as true now as when first spoken 90 years go. Whether it's an officially declared war or some euphemism devised to avoid calling a spade a spade (e.g., police action, military intervention, counter insurgency, surgical strike, regime change, peacekeeping operation), it's all a racket and there are strong incentives amongst the powers that be to keep that racket going.
And the more support our government gives away, keeps raw materials and ammo components in very short supply so that "the people" can't easily get them. That's better than gun control.......for keeping the people in check.
And the more support our government gives away, keeps raw materials and ammo components in very short supply so that "the people" can't easily get them. That's better than gun control.......for keeping the people in check.
It’s a vicious cycle. Congress is the only authority that can declare war. How it was until WW2 and how it should be. Korea, Vietnam and other actions have almost entirely been huge fiascos. And have made Americans more distrustful of our government. The President has too much power is the main problem, close second is weak Democrat presidents helped usher in conflicts through their weakness and incompetence. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, Jimmy Carter, Clinton are prime examples.
I'm not sure if we're at war or not but enough crazy shit is going on that it seems pretty prudent to have ample supplies of food, fuel & firewood.
We've been at war against liberalism and its destruction of our nation for quite some time. We're losing. Apparently too many people want our cesspool (I mean nation) to fail. It's hard to tell the two apart these days.
I usually try to stay out of the political stuff and happened on this thread randomly. I'm not trying to provoke anyone but I've got to ask, do you honestly feel that the United States is a cesspool? If so, is there any country on Earth that you'd rather live in?

Hopefully the chaos of the past couple administrations will settle to some form of normal in the foreseeable future. I believe in the American people even if they do not believe as I do in all things. How's that old saying go? "Don't let the b******s get you down," we've faced difficult times before.
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