Are we at war ?

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Apr 28, 2021
I get geo-political relations are complex and we may only see parts of what goes on and that congress has the power to declare war . The question i have is there such a thing as an "act of war" like shooting missiles at a US Navy ship ? I just don't understand why Iran doesnt show us more love after we shipped them covertly under darkness pallets of cash a few years ago . I thought they were our friends . Maybe i just dont understand the logic (sarcasm)


Aug 9, 2020
I wouldn’t say that shooting missiles/ rockets or drone attacks targeting US personnel or equipment is an act of war. Flying two planes into towers and killing more than 3,000 US citizens wasn’t even act of war. What sent us to war in Afghanistan was the refusal of the Taliban to turn over UBL. It would take something really huge for the US public to stomach another war in the Middle East. Killing or wounding a handful of US military personnel isn’t enough. Especially when you consider what the cost of that war is going to be. It would look a whole lot like Ukraine right now, possibly even worse depending on who all decides to get involved. Destroying their threats and possibly targeting key leaders in the Houthi network is the best way to handle this, for now at least. That’s just the opinion of one Senior NCO though.

I do see, at least one course of action, that could lead us into a regional conflict. If it happens, just take my gloves off so myself and my subordinates can do what we do best. That’s all I really ask.


May 15, 2018
Oregon coast
I hate to stereotype, but it appears to be a relatively small group out of a large religion causing all the trouble. Everywhere. From SE Asia to central Africa, the Middle East to Scandinavia.
Sure glad this thread was started, because I've been under the assumption straight white male republicans were the existential threat to every nations existence.


Jun 30, 2020
I hate to stereotype, but it appears to be a relatively small group out of a large religion causing all the trouble. Everywhere. From SE Asia to central Africa, the Middle East to Scandinavia.
Sure glad this thread was started, because I've been under the assumption straight white male republicans were the existential threat to every nations existence.
We are, just ask the white house.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
You can bet your sweet butt cheeks that the globalists & deep state will do anything & everything to make sure El Trumpo doesn't get back in power. They've already proven they'll wipe their asses with the Constitution, commit acts of treason, etc. to stop him. All I can say is you should expect the unexpected sometime in the next 10 months. As @eddielasvegas would say... "storm's a comin".


Feb 6, 2022
Western MT
A “war” probably depends on how low the administration approval goes. Hopefully, we’ll keep boots off the ground. In that case, other regimes pay the human cost while we pay for the weapons.

For some of us, we’d rather have a President who didn’t have wars during their administration, but there has only been one of those in a long time, and he wasn’t reelected.


Jul 12, 2023
There are a lot of good documentaries about the history of modern wars since WW2, the changing politics, the rise of dictators and adversarial governments we see today, and what the implications are. At least look at enough history to understand the last 30 years. We think this is a special time and big wars are a thing of the past - that for some reason we are special and will always be on top.

Even our kids, in their 30’s, have no concept of how close the world comes to major conflicts, or how many small conflicts happen under the radar. There is an American blind spot that the world revolves around us and things that happen on other continents don’t effect us. Politicians that weaken our democracy make us look much weaker to the world - dipshits in congress are still fighting about the stupidest things because that’s what the billionares funding their elections want.

Make no mistake, if Iran thought we were weak right now they could easily escalate what’s going on in the Middle East - then which countries are on which side? Dirt poor countries don’t count other than that’s where paid solders will come from. Oil rich countries are not all our friends, even though they smile and shake hands with us. Iran is in a religious war with the west and between their oil money and Russian oil money their economy is going to be heavy on military items, that they would love to kill all of us with. Iranian ship building is booming with drone launching boats.

More than that, we’ve been in a war with Russia for over a year - if that escalates it will make our time spent in Afghanistan seem like a walk in the park - rather than a war of roadside bombs and long range pot shots, fighting armor, artillery, modern jets, long range flying things that go boom will change the dynamics greatly. Europe is gearing up manufacturing capacity for a very good reason, and we should be doing the same. Why is a Japanese company trying to buy US Steel, other than to take advantage of a big increase in demand if China cuts us off. Russia has stronger ties with North Korea now than ever and the cash flow into North Korea is ramping up their manufacturing base - the guys we are supporting are being shot with North Korean artillery shells and ammo.

Russia and China have been spending a lot in under developed countries and I have no doubt we will see the effects of that down the road - our kids and grand kids will be shot at with that ammo or those soldiers, or both.

If you explain to a 10 year old who the world leaders are in terms of who is a school yard bully and who tries to have friends, who has to listen to their parents and who doesn’t, who has the most toys and who has none, and who want to boss around the other kids on the playground and who wants to kick groups of kids off the playground, they can predict what today’s politicians seem incapable of.

Use common sense and learn the history of the past 30 years, or 20 years, but learn enough to understand what’s going on in the world.


Feb 25, 2018
I get geo-political relations are complex and we may only see parts of what goes on and that congress has the power to declare war . The question i have is there such a thing as an "act of war" like shooting missiles at a US Navy ship ? I just don't understand why Iran doesnt show us more love after we shipped them covertly under darkness pallets of cash a few years ago . I thought they were our friends . Maybe i just dont understand the logic (sarcasm)
It would be fair to say that the cash shipped to them belonged to them, it was frozen by the Carter Administration. I don’t agree with them getting their money back though.
Mar 17, 2023
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Matthew 24:6-8


Mar 29, 2017
I hate to stereotype, but it appears to be a relatively small group out of a large religion causing all the trouble. Everywhere. From SE Asia to central Africa, the Middle East to Scandinavia.
Sure glad this thread was started, because I've been under the assumption straight white male republicans were the existential threat to every nations existence.
Yeah, but hopefully that small group will get voted out in 2024. 😁
Apr 28, 2021
Allies form " Operation Prosperity Guardian " . I guess thats the official name of the current mission in the Red Sea
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