Are we at war ?

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I am not afraid of the dark......and I will say that it is fairly dark in the usa right now, imo.
Brave words, the US is not very dark, so they come easily. I hope we don't see the dark. The idea of being forced to watch armed men nail my wife and daughters hands to a wall, then rape them for hours is horrifying. The idea of my children being beat to death for fun, and to save bullets is horrifying. The idea of my daughters being forced to watch my execution (be it slow or fast) is unsettling. Even the idea of me being thrown in prison where I will probably die and my wife and daughters just being left to fend for themselves is disquieting.

None of those come from my imagination, all are based an real experiences of people who have lived in darker times and places.

By the way, it is USA. Trampling the name of the country under foot does nothing, but perpetuate disrespect for it. Of course, as you live in a free country you have the right to disrespect it if you so desire.
I think we are at war. We have over 20k mostly military aged men crossing the border every day. This will be the destruction of our country. Biden 2024.
Not saying we don’t have an immigration problem, but are we really having 7.3 million illegal immigrants coming in annually? That seems about 4-7x higher than any number I’ve seen.

Also, an immigration crisis is very much NOT a war. It can be used as a component of a hybrid war- Russia uses Belarus to funnel middle eastern refugees into Poland for example- since it can be destabilizing to the country getting all the immigrants. But there’s a big difference between that and what’s going on in Gaza, Ukraine, or Myanmar right now.
We have never left the 22 year conflict. Still deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan. This was before the Ukraine deal and Israel deal. Sad state that we are so money hungry we have to be in 60% of world conflicts.
He’s technically not wrong but I agree with you. I said it earlier, it may not technically have been a war (declared by Congress) but those of us that fought in it sure felt like it was.
I was too. Over 500,000 people dead and over a trillion dollars wasted . I guess war has been redefined now now like the words "male" and "female" lol
Sure alot crap going on out there. You hear bits and pieces, but the liberal media sure don't want us to know... As always, only what they want us to know!
About time to pull everyone from Iraq and Syria. Call it what you want but it sure is war to the folks we send.

Need to slow the money flowing to Ukraine and Israel. To much corruption.

Where ever I go I meet great people throughout America. Some with my personal beliefs some that don’t. Yes, there are problem and issues sure. But I wouldn’t live anywhere else.
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