Are we alone in the universe

It is likely we are not alone in the vastness of the universe, but doubtful we will ever know for certain. After all the billions spent by SETI and other research groups searching for alien life, nothing other than the "WOW signal" in 1977, has ever been detected, and it was never detected agin. Given light speed travel is not possible, any beings traveling through space would take many, many generation of their kind to reach another planet with intelligent life forms, or life of any kind.
I would agree that travelling at the speed of light is out of OUR realm of technology - saying it is not possible is another story and assumes we are the most technologically advanced being there is...
Are we the only life in the universe? Not a chance. Just based on statistical probabilities, we are one of several.

Will we ever find other life? Also, not a chance. Again, this is based on statistical probabilities. The amount of time that we’ve been transmitting and listening for other life, is a blink of an eye in the age of the universe. The chances that another life form is transmitting/listening millions of years ago or millions of years in the future (say they are 2million ly away) is infinitesimally small.

And, given the challenges of traveling at or over the speed of light (physics always wins), I think extraterrestrial visitation is unlikely.

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I think we are MUCH more likely to find evidence of past “life” on a planet someday. The likelihood that two intelligent life species, both with capabilities for interstellar exploration at distances large enough for the odds to start “favoring” the potential, is slim to none.

A seemingly infinite universe that is effectively doubling in size every “year” is an astounding concept to fathom. Pair that with potential for billions of years of time passed between possible “intelligent life” existing. Even on our own planet we missed the dinosaurs by millions of years. That is a short spec compared to 13 billion years!

We just aren’t there yet technologically, and we will probably destroy the planet long before we are really ready to explore the cosmos. However, advancements like the James Webb telescope and NIF facility are absolute game changers and I think we will see some incredible things in the next 10-20 years.
Is there something else out there? Probably but based on conditions we’ve found out there it’s probably no more than bacteria or fungus.

Are there aliens with spaceships flying around and advanced civilizations? 😂
Agree with the idea that other life is probable and contact is improbable. I think the idea that any civilization advanced enough for interstellar travel will automatically be peaceful and loving is stupid. That’s what the Indians thought. “Hey look! They have big boats with sails! And thundersticks! They must be beneficent gods!”

I do think we should stop intentionally advertising our location to the cosmos. “Hey out there! We’re juicy… and made out of meat! “
Probably but based on conditions we’ve found out there it’s probably no more than bacteria or fungus.
One could argue that is how life on our planet started millenia ago... bacteria at some underwater thermal vent synthesizing the toxic gasses releases from our burning core, and releasing oxygen, and eventually long enough for an atmosphere to form to support life above water.

Is earth the only planet capable of supporting life forms...I believe yes.
I guess that depends on your definition of a life form...

Again not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone... I like having these conversations. And everyone may have a differing opinion... and as the saying goes, opinions are like a#%holes... everyone has one and they usually stink. 🤣
In 4 billion years as far as we can tell life only evolved once here, and we have excellent conditions for it.

It's this point that I always return to when I sit and ponder a while. Given the age and vastness of the known universe, in contradiction to what a hell of a lot of people think, that makes us as individuals very, very special.
I believe as vast as the universe is there is certainly some other form of life out there. Are they visiting earth? If they are, they would have had to develop the technology to travel at light speed or pretty close to it, or some type of time/dimensional travel, which I've never been able to wrap my head around. The closest stars to earth are 5-10 light years, but most are hundreds/thousands/millions of light years away. So, in theory if some life forms could travel at light speed they could get here in 5-20 years, but scientists have ruled out most of the closest stars/solar systems. If they are coming from hundreds or thousands of light years away they would have to have life spans way longer than ours or have planned to be able to reproduce and sustain their population while traveling.
Somewhere out there on another Forum, far, far away they're
asking the same thing.
And going ,,,,,,NAH, they would be here already
if there were other life forms.
Life elsewhere in the universe? Yes, absolutely
Are they visiting us and will we ever confirm life elsewhere? No, never going to happen.

For me it comes down to a religious belief. If you believe in the Christian God, then you believe that God created us. God runs the show throughout the universe and for us to discover life elsewhere or for them to come visit would throw the whole belief system into disarray.
Whether we are or are not alone doesn’t bother me at all
It just these “craft” people are seeing and saying green/grey/tall/short beings are coming out of them and some are saying Bigfoot comes out of and goes into them…this makes me shake my head
Though I’ve seen things in the sky I never thought we were being visited by aliens
I do think if people are seeing these craft then it’s probably something we’ve created
The question that was asked if there are aliens flying in our airspace then why be so secretive ?
If they are that far advanced as to travel through the universe they they certainly have nothing to fear from us