Aram Von Benedikt

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Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
SO Rom spoomer is gonna go down the Jim Shocky and AVB path.
AVB just stole a single BOAL and it isnt a big deal according to Spoomer.
Shocky just suggested all canadian guides should steal all their clients deposits due to canada and trudeau mismanaging the whole covid debacle.

When will these guys learn social media will be the death of them?
We’re gonna find out who is in the good old boy club if they aren’t careful.

It is nice to see what these guys think so you know who to support.


Sep 24, 2014


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....

That said, you have to consider that Outdoor Life parted ways with AVB based on his own admission of irresponsible behavior, not hers.
Jul 20, 2019


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
Ron can go kick rocks. These professional hunters and influencers are panicking because they are being held accountable to be ethical. Its like Glenn Beck sticking his neck out for Tim Ballard.


Apr 12, 2019
I enjoy watching and listening to Ron Spomer but the only thing he should have done was encouraged AVB to give that buck back and give an apology.
Agree, the guys still a douch bag, but at least try to make your self look a little better. I don’t think the guy has it in him, to want to be a decent human being though.
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Steve O

Classified Approved
Feb 29, 2012
This thread caught my eye at the outset. Self proclaimed expert ethical hunter? Check. Stolen boal? Check. Utardia? Check. Lobbing rounds from 10,000 yards? Check.

Translation: dry tinder, gas, and Rokslide matches. I watched from the outset, minute by minute, seeing only smoke and little flames, wondering why no wildfire. I ignore the thread for a day and return tonight to a five-alarm blaze with meme-jumpers dropping in from every direction.

It's a case study in wildfire social science. With the right conditions, it's not if, just when.

Rokslide memegang reporting for duty:



Mar 30, 2019


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
Ummmm yeah…. I’d stay as far from this one as I could. It’s just ends up putting yourself in the same category almost by default. Walk away slowly.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
Well, good to know Ron encourages making 700+ yard shots without using a rangefinder.

AVBs own account condemns him. Ron just self identified as the same.

I do find it amusing when people pull out the whole innocent until proven guilty bit. That applies to the law, I will hold my own opinions to that standard if I am given the power of life and death or sitting on a jury. Otherwise, I will judge character as I see fit.


Oct 27, 2023
Except it’s not a “he said, she said” situation.

They BOTH admit she shot first. When AVB realized this, he shoulda given her first buck back to her. Period. That’s if you even believe his side of the story, which is already sketchy enough.
Indefensible behavior from anyone and I don’t have to take “her side of the story” to come to that conclusion. Just his.
**Yep, this exactly 💯. This was the tipping point for me to unsubscribe from Spomer YT. I didn't mind learning the history of cartridges from him but found myself more and more in disagreement with his general philosophy towards modern bullet rifle design. Once he brought on JVB in became unwatchable.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
Hunting and social media are a toxic relationship. Most all “professional personalities” need to go away, fast.

This guy comes off as a self righteous douche, kudos to the husband for not flipping out in the situation. Even though in my opinion it was more than warranted for the grown man who more than likely stole a woman’s first deer to be kicked in the nuts, HARD.

F*** you fights in the mountains suck, factor in women and or children and it can ruin things fast. The high road is a very hard road to take sometimes but sometimes it’s the best path.

Some of you need to stop copying others memes! Artists don’t like their work ripped off.


Feb 3, 2019
I think he is, but I also get the feeling there is an error of elitism in the whole bunch and they think they’re smarter than us knuckle draggers.
Absolutely there is. It seems some celebrity hunter personality does something stupid at least once a year. Ron Spomer is one of the few I still watch. I'll probably still watch cause I enjoy the cartridge comparison stuff and the lever gun stuff. With that said I think fame gets to most of these people and the elitist mentality kicks in with all the "likes."
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