Aram Von Benedikt

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22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
It would be better for most outdoors writers to walk away from this one and say nothing. Ron is too close to the situation and could get backlash if he isn't careful.



22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
Except it’s not a “he said, she said” situation.

They BOTH admit she shot first. When AVB realized this, he shoulda given her first buck back to her. Period. That’s if you even believe his side of the story, which is already sketchy enough.
Indefensible behavior from anyone and I don’t have to take “her side of the story” to come to that conclusion. Just his.
All in the spirit of humor.
That being said, I've reserved comment/opinions on this because I wasn't there. And neither was anyone else except those that few that were involved.
As we all know, there are always two sides to a story and it usually falls in the middle, or at least to one side or the other.
I spent a long career in law enforcement and I would read shit the press would report and OMG, it wasn't even close to what occurred being I was present.
So......unless you were there and saw what happened, you don't know.

And I'm sure we have not heard everything but the fact that Outdoor Life made their statement means something.

Carry on.

But we kinda do know...cause we all know that type person from some point in our life.
It would be better for most outdoors writers to walk away from this one and say nothing. Ron is too close to the situation and could get backlash if he isn't careful.

Agreed, Ron should have stayed out of the fray. Dont play w fire if you arent willing to get burned.


22 hours ago
Folks, to clarify some of the most recent comments here: apparently a woman hunter and her husband have accused Aram of tracking down and shooting a buck she'd previously wounded. I do not know exactly what happened. I wasn't there. From what I can tell it's a "she said/he said" situation. Based on that, I don't feel it's fair nor accurate to condemn Aram, call him a thief, etc. These reactions seem to be part of our current "cancel culture." It is easy to jump on the bandwagon and call out the accused, but jurisprudence in American used to hold that one is innocent until proven guilty. I should like to get back to that standard. This isn't to say the woman leveling accusations at Aram is a liar. Nor is it to say Aram is a devil or angel. It's just a reminder that it is all too easy to besmirch someone on social media, to confuse facts, to misinterpret actions and intent, etc. And that can have devastating, costly repercussions, financial as well as psychological and spiritual. Let us hope that those involved in this imbroglio can resolve it amicably and then share their story. Until then, the rest of us might withhold judgement.

But he forgot to mention the Memes....
Hey Ron, he gave his account and that’s why I think he’s a grade a douche bag.
SO Rom spoomer is gonna go down the Jim Shocky and AVB path.
AVB just stole a single BOAL and it isnt a big deal according to Spoomer.
Shocky just suggested all canadian guides should steal all their clients deposits due to canada and trudeau mismanaging the whole covid debacle.

When will these guys learn social media will be the death of them?

And I'll take this as AVB quintupling down via proxy.

Welcome to the fire Spoomer.
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