Making memes and busting someone chops im ok with . Personally i dont want someones head on a platter (fired from their job). Complaining about the fleck of sawdust in someones eye when i have a 2x4 in mine isnt good or casting the first stone . Truth is none of us were there than day to see what went on .Definitely a " he said , she said" situation . If you hunt back east this happens quite frequently . If you shot a deer you better "anchor" it there . Cause if you dont and it runs by someone else its game over . Also if you are elevated in a postion of power ,knowledge or public exposure you WILL be held to a higher standard of ethics . Whether you like it or not , thats part of the deal . Not a fan of cancel culture . If you continue to do trashy things sooner or later it will catch up with you . In the Court of Public Opinion he certainly would have gotten more credit to help track the deer . Give it to the girl ,if there was any question and help load it in the truck. A good reputation is worth more than silver or gold. Just my 2 cents