Aram Von Benedikt

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A young poor stupid person is not the same as an older experienced dude in the industry. The expectation of behavior is different.

Anyway, people love a comeback story. Second chances are out there. But they gotta be earned.

BTW, you guys are screwing up this thread.
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I can see both sides of this. On the one hand, I generally agree that random internet strangers shouldn't necessarily be trying to destroy one man's career. Especially given the reality that we don't actually know a hell of a lot about what happened in the canyon that day. The truth is likely somewhere in the middle.

On the other hand, I don't think I like this guy being a public facing representative of the hunting community. But that goes for pretty much all the mainstream hunting media. My opinion of the "industry" is:

Listen to his brothers backcountry hunting podcast new episode about best 6.5 cartridges. At the 13 minute mark he tells a story about why he’s not a fan of 6.5 creedmoor. It’s not too dissimilar from his brothers actions prior to the shot other than he missed entirely. Sounds like these guys will sacrifice ethics pretty quick for the article story and some pictures.
Listen to his brothers backcountry hunting podcast new episode about best 6.5 cartridges. At the 13 minute mark he tells a story about why he’s not a fan of 6.5 creedmoor. It’s not too dissimilar from his brothers actions prior to the shot other than he missed entirely. Sounds like these guys will sacrifice ethics pretty quick for the article story and some pictures.
A 338 woulda blown that leg complete off :LOL:
Sitka under an orange vest, an unnecessary cowboy hat, product placement of a box of bullets no one can read. Staged photo of him walking with his rifle. Ummmm, everything?

You do realize the photo was for a magazine? Unless it is a live action shot (sports), every photo in every magazine is staged/photoshopped.
Yea I’m not gonna email this dudes employers
They already know
They knew before he posted his rebuttal
The internet is absolutely ruthless
AVB screwed up, doubled down in the canyon then tripled down online.
While I’m not supporting tattle tale reporting I also believe people should be accountable for their mistakes
And in todays climate his opportunity to save grace ended about 24 hours after Rochelle posted her side of things (also disagree with this behavior) the fact this survived 1 news cycle is pretty telling. He could have easily just fell on his sword, apologized and saved face but here we are.

Back to the memes

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Making memes and busting someone chops im ok with . Personally i dont want someones head on a platter (fired from their job). Complaining about the fleck of sawdust in someones eye when i have a 2x4 in mine isnt good or casting the first stone . Truth is none of us were there than day to see what went on .Definitely a " he said , she said" situation . If you hunt back east this happens quite frequently . If you shot a deer you better "anchor" it there . Cause if you dont and it runs by someone else its game over . Also if you are elevated in a postion of power ,knowledge or public exposure you WILL be held to a higher standard of ethics . Whether you like it or not , thats part of the deal . Not a fan of cancel culture . If you continue to do trashy things sooner or later it will catch up with you . In the Court of Public Opinion he certainly would have gotten more credit to help track the deer . Give it to the girl ,if there was any question and help load it in the truck. A good reputation is worth more than silver or gold. Just my 2 cents
If he doesn't face any repercussions from his magazine employers, when will he ever face them?
Being able to monetize the hunting industry has ruined hunting in so many ways. Just look at AVB stealing deer because he needs his grip and grins and a story to write up for the magazine, paying him money for every animal he shoots, or that he claims he shoots.
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