Aram Von Benedikt

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All I come away from this is a new acronym: AVB'd. Like the time I took my grandson hunting and he wounded a huge buck. As we were waiting for the buck to die I realized he should not have a BOAL for his first buck so I AVB'd him.
Better than getting ready for him to shoot it and getting AVB’d from a guy across the canyon
One thing the internet has done is seriously compromised the pedestal a lot of these outdoor writers used to exist on. I can't read these magazines anymore, hardly, because it's obvious that most of what's written is not exactly evidence based.

30 years ago you probably could have written about ethics, then went out and acted similarly to this story, and the circle of people who actually knew what you were like in the field would still be relatively small. Not anymore.
I’ve said this before, but a lot of the influencers out there today are probably less skilled than a lot of Rokslide’s membership.

These carefully created influencer stories and composed photos are probably leaving out a lot of the reality of the true nature of these hunts. And, I’d wager that when some of these influencers are focused so much on the hunt for the benefit of advancing their internet presence, they‘re probably willing to do things that they might otherwise not have if they weren’t worried about how coming up empty handed would look to their followers.

Regardless, when influencers use the internet as a venue to pander to their peers and followers, they shouldn’t be surprised when that same audience crucifies them for something they do online. It may not always be fair, but when you choose to live your life online and benefit from the massive exposure you can create for yourself, you’d be stupid not to realize how that could swing 180 degrees the opposite direction on you.
The one "influencer" I know went on a chukar hunt, didn't kill anything, so he bought a pen-raised chukar and killed it and took pictures for the 'gram. 'Fetching' behavior, IMO.
Unreal, but of course he did… These influencers know that portraying themselves accurately by sometimes showing themselves bailing out on a hunt or failing due to frustrations with their gear, weather, lack of motivation, self-doubt, lack of skill, etc. isn‘t going to align with the marketing campaign that some manufacturer currently has running and wouldn’t get them a sponsorship or pro deal. So, they do whatever they have to do to create a story that does.
I’m all outta meme’s so someone else will have to correct the trajectory of the thread. It’s clear this guy let the “pressure” of creating hunting content for a living affect his judgment.

Probably how all this plays out. Dude writes an apology letter that’s not really an apology, but says he’s the bigger man for giving the deer to the girl. Girl gets her buck back. And dude continues his career with 10,000 more followers than he did before the fiasco happened.

It’s the equivalent of a hunting “sex tape.” If you damage control correctly you wind up better off in the end. Sucks… but it’s the reality.

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”
This entire situation was a shit show. And obviously this guy has some serious issues. My biggest concern is that there are still some of us out there defending the guy or even saying it should be his buck, because the “LAW” says fatal shot takes the deer. The old timers that brought me up hunting would have backhanded me if I tried to claim a buck that someone else shot first. Basic hunting ethics. If you need a law to help you figure out this situation, you’re already lost and probably have no principal ethics.

The other weird thing happening, is folks getting ahold of the guy’s employer to get him fired. I have no issue if he gets fired from his job for this, that’s his problem. But random people, who were not involved at all in this incident, spending their time to contact this guys boss, seems very odd and a little on the woke side. Obviously his employer is aware. It’s a huge story on the internet. If they don’t fire him, and it bothers you that much, don’t give his employer any of your money. Pretty simple.
There has to be consequences for these professional hunters, or they will continue unethical practices to get clicks or views or reads. I personally don’t care if he loses his job or reputation over this. He had an opportunity to recognize his foolishness and give the lady her deer back. Instead, he tripled down on his dumbassery. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, F around and find out etc.
I’m all outta meme’s so someone else will have to correct the trajectory of the thread. It’s clear this guy let the “pressure” of creating hunting content for a living affect his judgment.

Probably how all this plays out. Dude writes an apology letter that’s not really an apology, but says he’s the bigger man for giving the deer to the girl. Girl gets her buck back. And dude continues his career with 10,000 more followers than he did before the fiasco happened.

It’s the equivalent of a hunting “sex tape.” If you damage control correctly you wind up better off in the end. Sucks… but it’s the reality.

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

While there is likely some truth here, how did that work out for Jim Zumbo?
There has to be consequences for these professional hunters, or they will continue unethical practices to get clicks or views or reads. I personally don’t care if he loses his job or reputation over this. He had an opportunity to recognize his foolishness and give the lady her deer back. Instead, he tripled down on his dumbassery. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, F around and find out etc.
The state agencies are involved now, being that this is a news worthy headline they will do an investigation and probably a press release since their is attention to this.
I can only hope if it goes as far as charges being filed that the prosecutor introduces the memes from this thread into evidence.
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