
Aug 5, 2024
I just want to create a new post apologizing to @Rossi for my drastic assumptions of him scamming me. I had someone send me a number they claimed was his then someone messaged me and went as far as showing me a picture of someone who they claimed was themselves with their id to ensure me they weren’t scamming me. So at that time I felt like I probably had a real person not many people steal pictures or fake pictures of themselves with their id. I then sent this person money and even though it was two days ago am sure I will not received my product. I’ve been in contact with one of the moderators, @philos ,who let me know that this is someone he has caught scamming before, not Rossi, the guy who texted me. So I want to first and foremost sincerely apologize to @Rossi again I would never be rude or talk down to an honest man such as what I understand him to be and I’m sorry that I was confused and lied to on my part. I want to apologize to anyone else on the forum who has to read or be aggravated by my frustrated forum post of being scammed. I also want to thank any of the people who commented back trying to help me out or help me understand things. Over the past couple days through this experience I’ve spent a lot more time on this forum and have grown to see how enjoyable and helpful this forum can be. I hope to make good use out of this in the future and to never have a poor experience like this again. I would also warrant any new comer to this forum to do the right thing and be patient and wait until you have the privileges to pm people or comment on the classifieds, don’t do what I did and rush into it or put your phone # on an open forum. Just again want to apologize to everyone and also give thanks to all the honest and trustworthy people who seem to make this forum what it is, and I look forward to connecting better in the future.
Great post Noah. There are a lot of great people on Rokslide, unfortunately there are also a lot of dirtbags in this world. Hopefully other people can learn from your situation.
My 2 cents - deal with WKR's and contact a moderator immediately if something goes sideways. I've done good, honest deals with FNG's and Lil-roksliders alike, so this isn't a slam against them for not running their keyboards. What I'll say with no reservation is that folks with X number of posts have generally been on the site a while and have established a track record.

You did the right thing by making a public apology.
Very well said, sir. We all make some mistakes in life...all of us do...it's part of living life.

You were a great example of the right thing to do when we error...own it without blaming or minimizing, make it right to the person(s), and have a plan not to repeat the same or similar mistakes.

Would be a better world if we all followed that blueprint, but...

Again, nicely done sir and the best to you!