Anyone impacted by the train derailment?


Aug 24, 2019
Anyone here in Ohio, Pennsylvania and northern Kentucky area impacted by this derailment?
Hearing two different stories
There another derail? Had a big one on the Ohio PA border a week ago.
Supposedly the toxic cloud just floated down the Ohio river and over WV.
Government has set up test equipment to monitor the air down in Huntington, about 45 mins south of me.
Best thing to do if you're in that area, take your own soil and water samples, and get a physical as soon as possible to establish a baseline for any future ailments that can arise from this. The government will most certainly try to discredit you if you don't. Ask any veteran to what lengths the government will go to not pay money rightfully owed. NS and the NTSB are thick as thieves.

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Government has set up test equipment to monitor the air down in Huntington, about 45 mins south of me.
I have family and property south of Huntington no issues there...How is that testing equipment going to be able to tell the difference from the train incident and what's usually in the air from the "chemical valley"? Dupont has been polluting in that state for decades...goes back to before teflon/c8 production.
I’m downriver of it and no impacts. It’ll have a deep impact to the immediate area around the site but diminishes quickly as you get further away. EPA is saying it was contained and they typically ere on the side of caution.

I participate every year on spill response drills and the spread of contaminants is actually easy to predict and dissipates quickly. Every situation is different though.

Also the comments on lack of internet and pony express use in WV are true. Most of my relatives still are only using rotary phones and only get news from word of mouth. :)

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I'm a managing partner and chemical engineer in an environmental engineering company. Lots of experience in air and water related issues. I would expect the air issues would dissipate with negligible effects. But the water issue is very concerning. The impact to the soil and lasting impacts in the water supply is very concerning. I would be filtering every drop of water that goes into my house with an RO system if I lived there. I wouldn't trust the government an ounce on this situation. Overall, this is a bad situation and I feel for the people who live there.
I don’t know anyone personally that has been affected but I do know someone in the gas mask industry and they said sales have been through the roof last couple of days. Too many weird “coincidences” lately
I'm a managing partner and chemical engineer in an environmental engineering company. Lots of experience in air and water related issues. I would expect the air issues would dissipate with negligible effects. But the water issue is very concerning. The impact to the soil and lasting impacts in the water supply is very concerning. I would be filtering every drop of water that goes into my house with an RO system if I lived there. I wouldn't trust the government an ounce on this situation. Overall, this is a bad situation and I feel for the people who live there.
Superfund unfolding before our eyes, how those imbeciles could burn that sh!t is simply mind-boggling.
My summary of Rock Sliders living very close to accident are saying is that there is no conspiracy, they are fine, and they believe appropriate actions are being taken (or they are just simply not impacted). That’s different than Donald Trump Jr’s Twitter posts says so I don’t believe the Rock Sliders.