Been down the back pain rabbit hole in a big way. Started having very significant lower back pain and tried PT, massage, stretching, you name it for around 1.5 years. Finally got an MRI that showed a badly bulging disc at L4/L5. After supporting my conservative approach up to then, my primary care doctor took one look at my MRI and said I was a strong candidate for surgery. He was surprised I was able to walk okay.
First surgeon I saw was a neurosurgeon who recommended an artificial disc and fusion - I decided I was going to try and avoid that. Fortunately, my primary doctor then recommended I get a 2nd opinion from an orthopedic spinal surgeon. That doctor recommended a minimally invasive hemilaminectomy.
I am around 2 years out from the hemilaminectomy surgery and feel great. Zero pain. I'll always need to be careful, but I think that my back feels about as good as anyone's back at my age. I absolutely recommend avoiding surgery if you can, but if you can't, get at least 2 opinions. Also, Back Mechanic by Dr. Stuart McGill is a tremendously helpful book. No voodoo bullshit, just straight data, anatomy and physics.
For anyone dealing with lower back pain, I'm happy to help. There's no such thing as a clear answer in the back pain world, but I would be glad to share my experiences.