By this you seem to imply that we've had men of integrity & honor as presidents. How far back do we go to get this? Gotta go back a couple, the last one used the IRS to attack conservative groups and used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder in the Fast & Furious scandal.
Also - how do you judge the fact that Trump has kept his promises - if he's said he was gonna do something, he's done it, or tried to do it. Yeah he's rough around the edeges but what's the plumber, roofer, or other service guy who has a specialty and has come to fix a problem you have been like? You vet them and invite them to eat with grandpa? No, you let them get it fixed so things continue as they have been.
And BTW - grandpa would be tickled pink to have the President come and eat with him. It is the value of the office and the honor that it would bestow having him to dinner. Just a generational thing I guess. Modern folks think it is cool to shun the pres when he invites them to visit. It is a great honor, no matter who is pres.
A vote for Democrats, is a vote for socialist, it really is that simple. Give away your guns, increase taxes to pay for everyone else, open borders w freebies for illegals, increased government regulations, late term abortions (during birth), and more. Just a promise of what is to come and what will come when the tide rolls over. I just hope they do it easy like the frog in the pot. To fast and eh, let's hope they do it slow.