Anybody watch state of the union?

Maybe we should wall off all the population of Utah Romney represents as punishment for going against the will of the GOP.

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Naw just pass the law where the elected officials can be recalled. Pretty sure people that voted for him are not happy with him, for the most part but this is just a guess.

I applaud Romney on his decision and speech. ....
I'm glad I'm not that gullible. but hey, I was! I gave Romney $100 in 2012. He refused to actually go after Obama then; we all knew we were doomed to four more years of O. Romney's a complete pussy, always has been.
He's full of sh!t and the only reason he did what he did yesterday was out of butthurt revenge. It's why on every issue he talks about siding against the President. This was a man who was pandering for Sec of state and didn't get it.
Lets hope his Senate tenure is a short one. I've seen enough of this weakling creep to last a lifetime.

Run, Chaffetz, run!
I am thankful now that Obama won in 2012.

Imagine the terrible place we’d be in if Romney had won. He’s a spineless man who’s unfit to lead and his failures would’ve led to a Clinton presidency.

Obama’s 2nd term brought us Trump and he taught the GOP how to fight again.

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I'm glad I'm not that gullible. but hey, I was! I gave Romney $100 in 2012. He refused to actually go after Obama then; we all knew we were doomed to four more years of O. Romney's a complete pussy, always has been.
He's full of sh!t and the only reason he did what he did yesterday was out of butthurt revenge. It's why on every issue he talks about siding against the President. This was a man who was pandering for Sec of state and didn't get it.
Lets hope his Senate tenure is a short one. I've seen enough of this weakling creep to last a lifetime.

Run, Chaffetz, run!

Didn't chaffetz move to Idaho and start working for the wilks brothers?

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Mea Culpa
I made two mistakes:
1. The and websites are correct. "As of 2/3/20 the official debt of the US government is $23.2 trillion...which amounts to $70,484 for every person living in the US". I was quoting for US households a 3-person family ($180k) or 4-person family ($240K) and my typo was the US debt per household. My bad.
2. With family, both immediate and extended, in the scientific community, who are not looking to soak the Federal Gov't for the next useless grant, but possess a moral compass to provide accurate and precise data, I was assuming that respectful discourse would be carried out, not expecting such stultissimus est. I was wrong-such colorful and illuminating rebuttals.
I thought Trump not shaking Pelosi's hand and her ripping up the speech is a perfect representation of how we've allowed children to run our country.

I can not support Trump because he is simply not a man of integrity and honor. He is not a man my WW2 grandfather would've allowed at his kitchen table. All of his claims and accomplishments are overblown and ego stroking (most presidents have engaged in this action).

That being said, sectors of our economy are doing well. Others not so much. I'm sure corn and soybean farmers are ready for China markets to open back up.
Maybe we should wall off all the population of Utah Romney represents as punishment for going against the will of the GOP.

Personally, I find it against the will of reasonable sense. Schiff and the rest of the Democrats had been plotting an impeachment from the second he was sworn in.......for ANY reason. That's not even debatable. So when this phone call comes up, Schiff jumps on it and even created his own version of what was actually said on the call to make it look worse than it actually was. I'm still wondering if any of the Democrats ever read the manuscript of the actual call.

So Schiff and the Dems go into this thing with a false premise from the start........that Trump requested an investigation into corruption and held a gift to a foreign nation solely for the purpose of the 2020 election. That's all they wanted to see, and how they'd see it, so that's what they've run with even through the entire trial. But that's also why Schiff wouldn't allow the President's counsel to be present in the investigation, and why Republicans weren't allowed to call their own witnesses. Because that would have shot holes through their premise and conclusion.

Foreign aid is held up frequently by Presidents......that wasn't a crime or even unethical. The Constitution gives the President the sole responsibility for foreign relations and policy, which includes rooting out corruption in those foreign nations that we render aid to. Again, not a crime or unethical.

So the only thing that could even possibly be construed as unethical would be asking the Ukrainian President to investigate Burisma.......which just happened to be the corrupt company that had already been under investigation even before Hunter Biden took that position. However, with all the evidence that is out on what Joe Biden did as VP, (withholding $1 billion while demanding that the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma be fired), it is more than reasonable for President Trump to request that the Ukrainian's investigate those dealings......whether Biden was a candidate or not.

Just because Biden happened to be a candidate, doesn't preclude his involvement in corruption in a foreign nation about to receive over $400 million from the American people in aid. We as American citizens not only expect our Presidents to watch out for our interests......we demand it. Can you imagine if one of Trump's kids took a board position on a corrupt corporation in the Ukraine, and then Trump demanded that the Ukrainian prosecutor be removed and the investigation closed while holding up those same funds? But that's not what happened (that's what Biden did). That's the corruption Trump was interested in the Ukraine fighting and getting control of.......especially since Zelenski ran as an anti-corruption candidate. Just because Biden was a candidate in 2020 is beside the point.......the corruption is still there, with Biden on video admitting it all.

Does that all sound like an impeachable offense? Of course not, that's what makes this 100% partisan and political. And well........Romney never was a conservative, he's one of the RINO's. He's just still pissed that Trump made fun of him and made him look bad in the Primaries.
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It was a great speech.

This is the 1 time a year where the president gets to present his story straight to the American people without any media biases, or filters if you like that term better. There were 1 or 2 points that I hadn't heard before and figure the media squashed em cause they were good things for the country. He was right to list everything - most people haven't heard a lot of them and have no idea because the news medias will not report the good stuff, instead attacking him day in and day out.
I thought Trump not shaking Pelosi's hand and her ripping up the speech is a perfect representation of how we've allowed children to run our country.

I can not support Trump because he is simply not a man of integrity and honor. He is not a man my WW2 grandfather would've allowed at his kitchen table. All of his claims and accomplishments are overblown and ego stroking (most presidents have engaged in this action).

That being said, sectors of our economy are doing well. Others not so much. I'm sure corn and soybean farmers are ready for China markets to open back up.

By this you seem to imply that we've had men of integrity & honor as presidents. How far back do we go to get this? Gotta go back a couple, the last one used the IRS to attack conservative groups and used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder in the Fast & Furious scandal.

Also - how do you judge the fact that Trump has kept his promises - if he's said he was gonna do something, he's done it, or tried to do it. Yeah he's rough around the edeges but what's the plumber, roofer, or other service guy who has a specialty and has come to fix a problem you have been like? You vet them and invite them to eat with grandpa? No, you let them get it fixed so things continue as they have been.

And BTW - grandpa would be tickled pink to have the President come and eat with him. It is the value of the office and the honor that it would bestow having him to dinner. Just a generational thing I guess. Modern folks think it is cool to shun the pres when he invites them to visit. It is a great honor, no matter who is pres.

A vote for Democrats, is a vote for socialist, it really is that simple. Give away your guns, increase taxes to pay for everyone else, open borders w freebies for illegals, increased government regulations, late term abortions (during birth), and more. Just a promise of what is to come and what will come when the tide rolls over. I just hope they do it easy like the frog in the pot. To fast and eh, let's hope they do it slow.
By this you seem to imply that we've had men of integrity & honor as presidents. How far back do we go to get this? Gotta go back a couple, the last one used the IRS to attack conservative groups and used executive privilege to protect Eric Holder in the Fast & Furious scandal.

Also - how do you judge the fact that Trump has kept his promises - if he's said he was gonna do something, he's done it, or tried to do it. Yeah he's rough around the edeges but what's the plumber, roofer, or other service guy who has a specialty and has come to fix a problem you have been like? You vet them and invite them to eat with grandpa? No, you let them get it fixed so things continue as they have been.

And BTW - grandpa would be tickled pink to have the President come and eat with him. It is the value of the office and the honor that it would bestow having him to dinner. Just a generational thing I guess. Modern folks think it is cool to shun the pres when he invites them to visit. It is a great honor, no matter who is pres.

A vote for Democrats, is a vote for socialist, it really is that simple. Give away your guns, increase taxes to pay for everyone else, open borders w freebies for illegals, increased government regulations, late term abortions (during birth), and more. Just a promise of what is to come and what will come when the tide rolls over. I just hope they do it easy like the frog in the pot. To fast and eh, let's hope they do it slow.

1. You obviously didn't know my grandfather. And don't you dare tell me what "would tickle him pink" haha!
The office of the president has been devalued by the entire governing body for the past 20 years.

2. Your inference that I believe that past presidents were men of integrity, is miss founded. I believe that the general masses don't even understand those concepts so they generally don't vote for them. All leaders should be judged individually, never based on what came before. The actions of the previous do not excuse the actions of the current. Do you really think that your president should only meet the same standard as a tradesman? Why would you put a man on such a pedestal? Would you be happy if your daughter dated or wanted to marry such a man? He doesn't even command the respect of his entire party.

3. Most people do love when "leaders" dumb things down for them. That is why Trump was ultimately elected. Difficult problems like immigration/taxes/healthcare/trade are easier for people understand when the the solution is as simple as building a wall. (this in itself is an oversimplification but I think i've illustrated my point.)

4. I am well aware of the vote that is forthcoming. It will not be easy for me determine who gets my vote. But rest assured you nor anyone on this forum will sway or determine MY vote.

I contemplated not even wading into this mess on here, but I did. I probably won't be back to this thread because it always leads to the same place. Just remember that the freedom we all love, means that there will be different opinions.
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I thought Trump not shaking Pelosi's hand and her ripping up the speech is a perfect representation of how we've allowed children to run our country.

I can not support Trump because he is simply not a man of integrity and honor. He is not a man my WW2 grandfather would've allowed at his kitchen table. All of his claims and accomplishments are overblown and ego stroking (most presidents have engaged in this action).

That being said, sectors of our economy are doing well. Others not so much. I'm sure corn and soybean farmers are ready for China markets to open back up.

To defend the non handshake there’s no way in hell I’d shake the hand of someone who’s sole mission in life for the last 3 years has been to get me fired.
To defend the non handshake there’s no way in hell I’d shake the hand of someone who’s sole mission in life for the last 3 years has been to get me fired.

He was invited to speak in the house of the people. He should shake the hand of the leader that house. His actions devalue and belittle the house of the people, not Pelosi. Her actions belittled and exposed her true nature.

That is integrity. He had the chance to show it and didn’t. Again.

Ok, now I’m done with this thread.
Work in construction and for the average worker times could not be better in my area. Cant find enough skilled people to do the work. Cost of living here is low as compared to most places. Wages are going up. Retirement accounts are growing at great rates. Hunting and fishing options are endless here but we dont have all the fancy places to eat are 100 miles from the nearest wallmart and selection of ipa and flatbills is little to none. For most of us in the fly over states times are looking up.

Damn, you almost had me packing my bags for a move, until I read the part about “selection of IPA’s being little to none”. Oh well, no place is perfect I guess.

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It's comical, now the Dems are saying that the results of the impeachment trial wasn't a real acquittal. That's wasn't a real investigation, and it wasn't a real impeachment either. So if that's the way they want it, they should completely expunge all records of it ever happening. Actually, I'm sure many of them wish they really could go that route now.
I thought Trump not shaking Pelosi's hand and her ripping up the speech is a perfect representation of how we've allowed children to run our country.

I can not support Trump because he is simply not a man of integrity and honor. He is not a man my WW2 grandfather would've allowed at his kitchen table. All of his claims and accomplishments are overblown and ego stroking (most presidents have engaged in this action).

That being said, sectors of our economy are doing well. Others not so much. I'm sure corn and soybean farmers are ready for China markets to open back up.

Did you notice he didn’t shake Mikes hand either? He probably didn’t even notice it but funny let’s just assume it’s child play 😂

Also many many farmers agree with what he is doing with Tariffs, they are not starving and have been bent over for years in trade.

I get you don’t like Trump, but I bet your WW2 grandfather would vote for him out of all available choices and I bet he wouldn’t skip a vote. We’ll never have a perfect option, but it can always get worse.