Anybody watch state of the union?

The Trump knob slobbing on this site is impressive - all in - and is indicative of what is wrong with this country and a major factor in continued poltical polarization. I voted for him and would vote for him again considering the alternatives (more a vote for the Supreme Court than for Trump}, but be honest with yourselves for a moment. The man is a boob and for his successes (continued moderate economic growth, reduced illegal immigration, a quiet North Korea, etc.) he is setting our country up for future pain by accelerating the deficit and demeaning the office of the president and the tone of political communication and furthering the political divide.

It's perfectly OK to appreciate his achievements while recognizing his significant deficiencies. It doesn't have to be Fox vs. CNN 24/7.
The Trump knob slobbing on this site is impressive - all in - and is indicative of what is wrong with this country and a major factor in continued poltical polarization. I voted for him and would vote for him again considering the alternatives (more a vote for the Supreme Court than for Trump}, but be honest with yourselves for a moment. The man is a boob and for his successes (continued moderate economic growth, reduced illegal immigration, a quiet North Korea, etc.) he is setting our country up for future pain by accelerating the deficit and demeaning the office of the president and the tone of political communication and furthering the political divide.

It's perfectly OK to appreciate his achievements while recognizing his significant deficiencies. It doesn't have to be Fox vs. CNN 24/7.

I long for the days of Obama killing our citizens with drones. zero achievements, stagnant economy for 8 years, calling for the assassination of US police officers, horrible economy , open borders, high unemployment, and thousands of US military vets committing suicide , open borders, children in cages, free healthcare for millions of illegal aliens, free college for millions of illegal aliens while the middle class goes bankrupt is a wonderful plan
Trump seems to bring out the worst in people. Today on social media I saw people say ******, faggot, spic and wetback all referring to Trump policies they support. Civil discourse is gone and treating people like shit is the new norm. Scary to see where our country will be in 10 years.

I see people on social media describe disabled military vets from WWII to Iraq and Afghanistan as NAZIs and racists, gun owners and hunters as murderers and terrroists .

No wonder progressives are so reviled now in America
If Trump killed Satan himself the Dems would find a reason why Satan was not evil enough to die. It’s a sad state of affairs.

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They already did that.

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You seem to have a pretty set idea of how the president should act. I wander how'd you or your grandpa would act if most everyone you worked with over the last three years belittled your wife, your kids, parents, your life's work, your companies, twisted everything you say to try and make everyone else do the same, call you a bigot, a racists, etc..... He's a man. Not a God.

You should convince the Democrats of that. They blame him for just about everything that happens in the world these days including climate change. Warren even blamed him for the Coronavirus.....LOL. It would appear that they all believe that he is in fact God.
The man is a boob and for his successes (continued moderate economic growth, reduced illegal immigration, a quiet North Korea, etc.) he is setting our country up for future pain by accelerating the deficit and demeaning the office of the president and the tone of political communication and furthering the political divide.

I'll admit, I wasn't a Trump supporter in the primaries.......I believed him to be much more liberal than we needed. But after three years in office, he is absolutely the best thing our nation needed at the time. It's as if he orchestrated all of this as a trap that the Dems fell into head first to perfectly expose them for who and what they are. It's classic. The Dems have shown that they don't care about the American people or the nation AT ALL. They've shown that they care more about exponentially growing illegal immigration and giving them free welfare, healthcare, and education, and then protecting them from anyone that disagrees with that. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. In his speech yesterday, Trump said what I've been saying for years now......"It's as if their whole purpose is to ruin the country".

And don't forget, Trump inherited a $20 trillion debt load and 8 years of Obama policies when he took office. The bigger the mess you inherit, the more money you have to spend to clean it all up. This won't be a quick clean-up, it's going to take decades. But unfortunately, eventually we'll see another turnaround in Presidents and Congress, and the nation will be back to circling the drain again. At least Trump's policies pulled us out of the gas trap for now. But we all know how all this ends anyway so we're going to have to go through the drain eventually. But hopefully I'll already be gone when that happens.
Giving them free healthcare, and education
Let me preface by I tend to side on Republicans, but I have changed some of my views over the years.

Although I don't think any of these things above should be free and definitely not for illegal immigrants...

Why is it wrong to think an overall better-educated country would be a good thing? While maybe not college we definitely need to figure out a way to improve our K-12 education system. People graduate high school every year not knowing how to read properly.

Why is it so wrong to think people should be able to see a Dr. without becoming broke after?

Our healthcare system is out of whack. My wife and I both have pretty good careers and we have to pay nearly 10k for Dr bills before insurance even kicks in for us. I know a guy from high school who got diagnosed with lymphoma at age 28. His insurance policies changed and have given him trouble for paying his chemo sessions and he now has started a GoFundMe page to help pay the bills. Which is in itself ironic since a community comes together to help out their friend in need. Kinda like the crazy socialist healthcare ideas right?

Is that what we think about our neighbors when they are in need of significant healthcare? The key to life can't always be "Tough shit pull yourself up by your bootstraps" oh and make sure you don't get cancer!

I just wish politicians could stop arguing about whether a problem even exists and start focusing on how to solve the problem. These issues aren't black and white, they affect millions of people.

I'll admit, I wasn't a Trump supporter in the primaries.......

...The Dems have shown that they don't care about the American people or the nation AT ALL. They've shown that they care more about exponentially growing illegal immigration and giving them free welfare, healthcare, and education, and then protecting them from anyone that disagrees with that.

...In his speech yesterday, Trump said what I've been saying for years now......"It's as if their whole purpose is to ruin the country".

...At least Trump's policies pulled us out of the gas trap for now.

I agree brother on every point above.

And with those who've pointed out our scary debt load...

God bless America and may America bless God

(btw, I'm proud of you guys keeping this thread pretty civil. I honestly though I'd be hacking it when I got up this morning.)
"Bravo!" to...
Robby Denning

I still say, with the economy booming, unemployment in all sectors at an all-time low, and what appears to some concessions, BY THE CHINESE, in the second part of the Trade Deal with China, especially with the Ag sector/row crop agreements getting closer to reality...please be ever if sitting on a ridge glassing the basin for BEEG RAMS...ever monitoring our clean water/air/access to backcountry public lands, remain civil and not devolve to boasting/ego-stroking/brow-beating the Dems...however not yielding either to the leftist Socialist ideals...but be thankful of our current economy but keeping an eye on what we as citizens can do to communicate with our representatives in DC (I do often!) about getting a handle, short-term or long-term, on the debt.

As far as monitoring the environment, being a hunting/fishing avid conservationist/environmentalist does NOT equate to being a rude/elite/narrow-minded SOCIALIST. Let us remember, that one of the greatest conservationists ever to bless our country, President Teddy Roosevelt was a staunch Republican who created the National Monuments Act, expanded our National Forests and National Parks, and was an avid hunter and fly fisherman. A "man's man" whose favorite exclamation was
"Bully!!"...but not in the sense of crowing about one's achievements. A bit of humility on both sides of the aisle would be helpful...but my God I don't know when that will occur.

So, with credit to the Wall Street Journal...some tidbits from the past two days' editions. I am neither assuming or presuming anything other than to be a messenger. Interesting points being made. It appears one party is devolving, but I may be wrong, and let us not become so boastful that we succumb to "PRIDE GOETH BEFORE THE FALL". Peace, health, and safe travels and successful Fair Chase hunts to all our brothers and sisters here at Rokslide. I am hopeful things will settle down and "May We Live in Uninteresting Times".

The Democrats’ Unserious WeekThe fiasco in Iowa, the foolishness at the State of the Union—do they realize how bad they look?
-- The Wall Street Journal: February 6, 2020

Democrats, when they’re feeling alarmed or mischievous, will often say that Ronald Reagan would not recognize the current Republican Party. I usually respond that John F. Kennedy would not recognize the current Democratic Party, and would never succeed in it.
Both men represented different political eras but it’s forgotten that they were contemporaries, of the same generation, Reagan born in 1911 and JFK in 1917. They grew up in the same America in different circumstances, one rich, one poor, but with a shared national culture. By the 1950s, when JFK was established in the political system and Reagan readying to enter it, bodacious America had settled into its own dignity. It had a role in the world and needed to act the part. Both men valued certain public behaviors and the maintenance of a public face. It involved composure, coolness, a certain elegance and self-mastery. They felt they had to show competence and professionalism. They knew they were passing through history at an elevated level, and part of their job was to hold high its ways and traditions.
Their way is gone, maybe forever. Democrats blame this on Donald Trump, and in the area of historical consciousness he is, truly, a hopeless cause. But this week Democrats joined him in the pit.
Do they understand what a disaster this was for them if Mr. Trump wins re-election?
Iowa made them look the one way a great party cannot afford to look: unserious. The lack of professionalism, the incompetence is the kind of thing that not only shocks a party but shadows it. They can’t run a tiny caucus in a tiny state but they want us to believe they can reinvent American health care? Monday night when the returns were supposed to be coming in, it was like the debut of ObamaCare when the website went down.
Iowa, which for almost half a century has had a special mystique, has lost it. It will never be first-in-the-nation again. The candidates, who worked so hard for so long, were denied their victory moment. Did the movers, operatives and networkers who were behind the app and the technology have any consciousness of what they were changing, of the history they were changing, if they failed? The professionals were detached from their own voters, and not invested enough to give them a functioning primary.
You know what Iowa really tells us? Anything can happen now—anything. Because rigor in politics is waning, the old disciplines are not holding, old responsibilities are being thrown off. It was a failure of competence by people who were just passing through and burnishing their personal brands.
What a disaster.
And what happened a day later in the House was just as bad.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi shattered tradition, making faces, muttering, shaking her head as the president delivered his State of the Union address. At the end she famously stood, tore the speech up and threw down the pieces.
“But he didn’t shake her hand.” So what? Her great calling card is she’s the sane one.
She introduced him rudely, without the usual encomiums. Oh, snap.
The classy lady was not classy. She forgot she has a higher responsibility than to her base, but—yes, how corny—to her country, the institution, the young who are watching and just getting a sense of how to behave in the world.
If she was compelled to show symbolic fealty to the “resistance” she should have taken it outside the chamber. That place is where Daniel Webster debated; she occupies the chair of Henry Clay and “Mr. Sam.”
And she set a template: Now in the future all House Speakers who face presidents from the opposing party at the State of the Union will have to be rude fools.
Remember those videos that used to be all over the internet, with members of the Korean congress punching each other in the face on the floor of the legislature? Man, we used to laugh. Now in the future that can be us.
This is how a great lady becomes just another hack.
Some progressive members refused to attend, or walked out during the speech—one said, without irony, that she was “triggered.” Those who came slouched angrily in their seats, looking down, refusing to rise for all the heroes in the balcony. Why do they think that is a good look?
Those who didn’t come were unprofessional, but it was also a practical failure. They abandoned the field and let the Congress of the United States look like one big, cheering, unified bastion of boisterous Republicans, with a few grim women dressed in white in the corner. That’s what you want America to see?
The speech itself was shrewd and its political targeting astute. There were the usual boasts: “The unemployment rate is the lowest in half a century”— but they had force in the aggregate. The policy that was emphasized (opportunity zones, expanded vocational education, neonatal research combined with a call to ban late-term abortions, expanded child credits) combined with the heroes in the balcony (a Border Patrol agent, a kid trying to get into a charter school, the brother of a victim of crime) was powerful and rich in inference.
More than ever, more showily, this was an aligning of the GOP, in persons and symbols, with “outsiders”—with those without officially sanctioned cultural cachet, with the minority, the regular, the working class. It was plain people versus fancy people—that is, versus snooty liberals and progressives who talk a good game about the little guy but don’t seem to like him much; who in their anger and sarcasm, in their constant censoriousness and characterological lack of courtesy, have managed to both punch above their political weight and make a poor impression on the national mind.
This was the president putting the Republican Party on the side of the nobodies of all colors as opposed to the somebodies. (Van Jones on CNN had it exactly right: Trump is going for black and Hispanic men, and the Democrats are foolish not to see it.) This is a realignment I have supported and a repositioning I have called for and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t please me to see it represented so effectively, and I very much regret that the president is a bad man and half mad because if he weren’t I’d be cheering.
Yes it was bread and circuses, and yes it was like a reality TV show. There should be a word for “I know I’m being manipulated but I am moved anyway.”
We need that word because it is the essence of our entire media/entertainment/political culture. But if you weren’t moved by the mother of the baby born prematurely and the 100-year-old Tuskegee Airman there’s something wrong with you, and in your attempts to maintain a fair minded detachment you’ve become distanced from your fellow humans.
Republicans in the Reagan era used to say, and think, that we were the Main Street party, not the Wall Street one. In the three decades since, small-town America has fallen apart and Main Street disappeared into broken up, lonely, ex-urban places. Mr. Trump is saying he’s for the people who live there, in Main Street’s diaspora.
Whatever happens with him, that is the party’s future. Whatever happens with the Democrats they cannot afford another week like this.
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I long for the days of Obama killing our citizens with drones. zero achievements, stagnant economy for 8 years, calling for the assassination of US police officers, horrible economy , open borders, high unemployment, and thousands of US military vets committing suicide , open borders, children in cages, free healthcare for millions of illegal aliens, free college for millions of illegal aliens while the middle class goes bankrupt is a wonderful plan

Exactly my point. You repeated some of the very things I gave Trump credit as though they were your original thought while totally overlooking the basis for my criticism. No thought, no analysis, no reflection. Just firing both barrels of partisan political blather.

So too is crediting Trump for a strong economy while criticizing Obama for a stagnant and horrible economy. GDP growth through the expansion under Obama was 2.2% and so far under Trump it has been 2.5%. Better, but not a lot better. Add to that the fact that GDP growth is lagging the rate which is required to generate the tax revenue to pay for the stimulus that has helped generate the extra growth.

I was also critical of Obama's handling of the economy and strongly believe that his tone and policies restrained the growth of our economy, but think we need to be honest with ourselves and use facts when assessing how good a job Trump is doing or in comparing him to his predecessor.
Exactly my point. You repeated some of the very things I gave Trump credit as though they were your original thought while totally overlooking the basis for my criticism. No thought, no analysis, no reflection. Just firing both barrels of partisan political blather.

So too is crediting Trump for a strong economy while criticizing Obama for a stagnant and horrible economy. GDP growth through the expansion under Obama was 2.2% and so far under Trump it has been 2.5%. Better, but not a lot better. Add to that the fact that GDP growth is lagging the rate which is required to generate the tax revenue to pay for the stimulus that has helped generate the extra growth.

I was also critical of Obama's handling of the economy and strongly believe that his tone and policies restrained the growth of our economy, but think we need to be honest with ourselves and use facts when assessing how good a job Trump is doing or in comparing him to his predecessor.

Obama added about $10T to the debt, Trump is sitting at $4.5T added, be interesting to see if it grows as consistently as it did under Obama or if it slows.

If you look at the history of our debt from 1929 to current it’s a grim picture, that is if our country was failing. But even in the Clinton years when everyone boasted about the balanced budget days, it still grew. We need to keep Washington in check all the way around, Congress needs term limits and if you can afford a $30million dollar home on your salary as a member of Congress that should be reason enough for a full investigation in to abuse of power, no matter the party.

Just how do we the people get Congress to enact self checks and measures to reduce abuses in power?
I could go on for an hour in regards to just what has been posted on this last page alone. Especially when comparing Obama and Trump, both analytically and personally. But.....I’m not going to do that.
What I would like to comment on is how in current times with Trump in office, when there is a mass shooting, or some kind of gun violence on a large scale, it doesn’t spark instant talk of gun control (aka gun bans). I don’t have to worry about prices skyrocketing on guns, ammo, and components. I don’t have to worry about people panic buying all the damn 22lr ammo. I don’t have to constantly worry about having 50+ pounds of powder on hand in case there is a “scare”. I don’t have to make sure I have 5K rounds of both 9mm and .556 ammo on hand in case there is a political/media induced wave of panic buying.

Mass shootings are truly horrible. But its relieving to see the focus being placed on the tragedy, victims, and the criminal, rather than instantly pushing for “gun control” minutes after an event like that takes place.
Donald Trump is a mechanism. What direction was the country heading in before him? Where would we be with Clinton?

If a he lacks Christian character (as everybody is pointing out) but is pointing the nation back, is that a bad thing? If he is minimizing murdering babies, is that a bad thing? If he is being a terror to terrorists and making America secure, is that a bad thing? If he is honoring hard work and minimizing free handouts, is that a bad thing?

If not him, then who? More important.....if not now, then when?
The key to life can't always be "Tough shit pull yourself up by your bootstraps" oh and make sure you don't get cancer!

My opinion........we're all gonna die of something, why not cancer? Stuff happens and life isn't fair. Put your house and affairs in order and make sure you know where you're going to spend eternity, and live the rest of the life you have left. Plenty of soldiers have to do this every year before deployments.......even without cancer. No.......compassion and having a heart are not my strong suits. But being a fiscal conservative is.
I am a 'working man' and the past 3 years have been great! Paycheck, savings, reduced debt......unsure what you are talking about...….


Great speech if you like watching an insecure man try to convince his peers that he’s amazing with outrageous and exaggerated stories of his greatness. I love how people talk about how great this president is and only cite the stats he provides. Take all of those stats about the economy and convert them to real dollars, then come back to me. If you’re wealthy, have a large portfolio it sure looks good. If you actually work for a living, you’re screwed. Wages are Not keeping with inflation and those tax cuts didn’t help the working man. Meanwhile our debt is the highest it’s ever been. So much for “draining the swamp.” This man sold his soul to corporate America and put in on the backs of the next generation.
I'll admit, I wasn't a Trump supporter in the primaries.......I believed him to be much more liberal than we needed. But after three years in office, he is absolutely the best thing our nation needed at the time. It's as if he orchestrated all of this as a trap that the Dems fell into head first to perfectly expose them for who and what they are. It's classic. The Dems have shown that they don't care about the American people or the nation AT ALL. They've shown that they care more about exponentially growing illegal immigration and giving them free welfare, healthcare, and education, and then protecting them from anyone that disagrees with that. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. In his speech yesterday, Trump said what I've been saying for years now......"It's as if their whole purpose is to ruin the country".

And don't forget, Trump inherited a $20 trillion debt load and 8 years of Obama policies when he took office. The bigger the mess you inherit, the more money you have to spend to clean it all up. This won't be a quick clean-up, it's going to take decades. But unfortunately, eventually we'll see another turnaround in Presidents and Congress, and the nation will be back to circling the drain again. At least Trump's policies pulled us out of the gas trap for now. But we all know how all this ends anyway so we're going to have to go through the drain eventually. But hopefully I'll already be gone when that happens.
Well said and am of the same mind as stated.

President Trump is what is needed to bust up the swamp and give the average guy a chance. Just imagine trying to fix the mess we were in and having to battle the socialists swampers every step of the way while they trash you and your family daily. I hope God gives him the strength to bear up.

This is a long fight, has been and always will be. The Founders knew it and fought for it and knew we would have to fight to keep it. Therefore, they gave us the 1st and 2nd. We are using the first here and now, hopefully we can avoid using the second at the ballot box.
Obama added about $10T to the debt, Trump is sitting at $4.5T added, be interesting to see if it grows as consistently as it did under Obama or if it slows.

Not to defend Obama, but some of that was to stimulate economic growth to pull the US out of recession. Not so under Trump. So, even if the national debt increases less under Trump than it did under Obama, no one should take that as a feather in his cap. It's just more of the same but with less benefit to us as citizens.