Anybody watch state of the union?

It's comical, now the Dems are saying that the results of the impeachment trial wasn't a real acquittal. That's wasn't a real investigation, and it wasn't a real impeachment either. So if that's the way they want it, they should completely expunge all records of it ever happening. Actually, I'm sure many of them wish they really could go that route now.

Because they don’t want the rule of law, they want their law.
He was invited to speak in the house of the people. He should shake the hand of the leader that house. His actions devalue and belittle the house of the people, not Pelosi. Her actions belittled and exposed her true nature.

That is integrity. He had the chance to show it and didn’t. Again.

Ok, now I’m done with this thread.

She broke and disrespected him far more then he did her, even her introduction was a slight.
I'm thrilled Trump didn't shake her hand. I would not have either. She has been fighting against him since before he was ever elected. Thought it was a joke that anyone would suggest that he could win. Heck with her. I love Trump's in your face, take no prisoners approach.
Well, at least he has the balls to say it then. Plenty of others in the GOP dislike Trump behind closed doors but don't have the cojones to say otherwise. I guess they're scared they might get kicked out of the party.

Wasn't there some other party in the past that seemed to take a hardline against any dissenters....shoot, can't remember when or where....hmmmm

Im just happy Trump is not a racist white supremacist pos like CANADA'S Leader Justin Trudeau. Does he still do black face?
I get you don’t like Trump, but I bet your WW2 grandfather would vote for him out of all available choices and I bet he wouldn’t skip a vote.
Being the "not worst" choice isn't the same as being the "best" choice that's for sure.

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She broke and disrespected him far more then he did her, even her introduction was a slight.

The masses don’t understand integrity and honor (example quoted above). Her actions do not matter.

I get you don’t like Trump, but I bet your WW2 grandfather would vote for him out of all available choices and I bet he wouldn’t skip a vote. We’ll never have a perfect option, but it can always get worse.

You would most certainly lose your bet. You all seem to know my grandfather so well. But he would value integrity above all. Above political ideology, above policy, above all. You know where a man with integrity stands when the choice must be made. You never know where a lesser man truly stands.
He was invited to speak in the house of the people. He should shake the hand of the leader that house. His actions devalue and belittle the house of the people, not Pelosi. Her actions belittled and exposed her true nature.

That is integrity. He had the chance to show it and didn’t. Again.

Ok, now I’m done with this thread.
You seem to have a pretty set idea of how the president should act. I wander how'd you or your grandpa would act if most everyone you worked with over the last three years belittled your wife, your kids, parents, your life's work, your companies, twisted everything you say to try and make everyone else do the same, call you a bigot, a racists, etc..... He's a man. Not a God. And, I give him a little lee way when I consider how any average man would react to the same injustices.

The house of the people as you call it is not the house of the people. These "special people" long ago insured that when they voted in lifetime healthcare way above social security coverage, pay themselves a very good yearly wage based on minimum work days, routinely passing laws that further in-debt future Americans, increasing taxes to only blow the extra revenue with party agendas, etc..... I could go on and on. But, the biggest eye opener of how the "special people" has purposely disconnected from the American people should be when you stop and think how a salary of $174,000, just recently increased to that amount, can buy these career "special people" $25-$30 MILLION in total wealth? How does that happen? If you made $200,000 a year with no bills, it'd take you 150 years to amass that. No common man would ever be able to invest money with that return. In any market, situation, etc.....

So, rest assured, your politics are causing you to be blinded in order for you to suggest that Congress is the house of the people. Or, you truly live in a very sheltered bubble.
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The whole "man made Global warming" / "climate change" is a big fat hoax just like pretty much everything else the liberals try to tell us.
They say it's the biggest threat to humanity while flying around on their private jets to each of their 6 mansions. I'll believe it's a crisis when you start acting like it commie.
Funny how their solution to it is always me giving them all my money & guns & giving up my freedom.
And for the record, there is no "consensus" in science. Only facts. Remember when the "consensus" was that the world was flat too?
Of course these are the same people who believe there are 48 genders.
The masses don’t understand integrity and honor (example quoted above). Her actions do not matter.

You would most certainly lose your bet. You all seem to know my grandfather so well. But he would value integrity above all. Above political ideology, above policy, above all. You know where a man with integrity stands when the choice must be made. You never know where a lesser man truly stands.

Nope not implying that but I’d have a hard time believing any WW2 vet would vote for socialism/communism after they fought against it, maybe I’m wrong but maybe you are as well, we’ll never know.
Being the "not worst" choice isn't the same as being the "best" choice that's for sure.

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I would usually agree with this but this quote is only relative to the situation.

If there are 3 shit sandwiches, one plain, one with mustard, the other with ketchup.

The plain one will be all shit. I hate mustard. So I choose the one with ketchup because it’s it’s not the worst..which makes it the best.

When you have no other options “not worst” becomes the best you can do.. just sayin
Trump seems to bring out the worst in people. Today on social media I saw people say ******, faggot, spic and wetback all referring to Trump policies they support. Civil discourse is gone and treating people like shit is the new norm. Scary to see where our country will be in 10 years.

People on Social media bring out the worst in people.

Thread drift: my new happy place is shooting archery with my eldest son. I think he’s just starting to get the bug that we all have here. Fun to be a part of. I hope everyone has a great upcoming weekend!

Edit: I will start coaching him on his form in a bit, but he’s having so much damn fun flinging arrows that I don’t want to interfere.

Thread drift over.

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What is the point of trying to debate someone who twists a disagreement with his views into an attack on his WWII vet grandfather?

Not sure how there was any attack on his late WW2 grandfather, I know mine would vote for Trump every day of the week and believe he just likes to think his wouldn’t. Fact is neither of us know for either of ours.
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Trump seems to bring out the worst in people. Today on social media I saw people say ******, faggot, spic and wetback all referring to Trump policies they support. Civil discourse is gone and treating people like shit is the new norm. Scary to see where our country will be in 10 years.

What kind of trash do you watch, so 1% of scumbags represent the nation of people that support Trump. Why don’t you pay attention to ANTIFA beating down old men, disabled kids and burning cars, that‘s the left for you as well.

But sorry 99% of people that support Trump would never act or say bs like that. Also it’s probably liberals acting like Trump supporters if it’s online, how else can they get back at him.
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Kind of interesting where this thread has gone with all the narratives, and this is a bit off topic I’m sure, but my deceased grandfather, born a poor farmers kid in Ohio, who was also a WW2 vet, was a die hard Democrat. My grandmother used to say, “He would vote for a monkey, if it was running under the Democratic ticket, rather than vote for a Republican”. My grandpa never argued the case. Anyway, it seems like everything that my grandfather stood for, up until he died about 30 years ago, was what the Democratic Party stood for. That has all seemed to have changed/reversed now. My grandfather was a patriot to the bone, and a Democrat to the bone, but I don’t think he would find his/this Democratic Party too appealingly these days.

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