He was invited to speak in the house of the people. He should shake the hand of the leader that house. His actions devalue and belittle the house of the people, not Pelosi. Her actions belittled and exposed her true nature.
That is integrity. He had the chance to show it and didn’t. Again.
Ok, now I’m done with this thread.
You seem to have a pretty set idea of how the president should act. I wander how'd you or your grandpa would act if most everyone you worked with over the last three years belittled your wife, your kids, parents, your life's work, your companies, twisted everything you say to try and make everyone else do the same, call you a bigot, a racists, etc..... He's a man. Not a God. And, I give him a little lee way when I consider how any average man would react to the same injustices.
The house of the people as you call it is not the house of the people. These "special people" long ago insured that when they voted in lifetime healthcare way above social security coverage, pay themselves a very good yearly wage based on minimum work days, routinely passing laws that further in-debt future Americans, increasing taxes to only blow the extra revenue with party agendas, etc..... I could go on and on. But, the biggest eye opener of how the "special people" has purposely disconnected from the American people should be when you stop and think how a salary of $174,000, just recently increased to that amount, can buy these career "special people" $25-$30 MILLION in total wealth? How does that happen? If you made $200,000 a year with no bills, it'd take you 150 years to amass that. No common man would ever be able to invest money with that return. In any market, situation, etc.....
So, rest assured, your politics are causing you to be blinded in order for you to suggest that Congress is the house of the people. Or, you truly live in a very sheltered bubble.