Any truth?

This is a company founded and run by a bunch of SF guys and their logo is an ar15. Let's be real here.

Fyi they have publicly responded to this also. It's on the googles.

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Does it matter? Are we now going to witch hunt every company incase they ever support a Democrat???

I mean sure don't support child labor, or sweat shops, or sex trafficing. . . But good God, the founder served his country, and caters to hunters and gun lovers. . . So does it matter?
I saw this on IG initially so I can't find it either but here is what the response said:

Obama’s donation:
In 2008 he was working for the CIA as a contractor in Mosul. They were having a shooting competition at the range: 3 shots from pistols at 100 yards. Loser had to donate to Obama and the loser also sported a gag tee shirt for pics with Obama & his family on the front.

Hafer lost.

Hafer hates the Clintons and he saw her as one of the few Democrats that held Hillary accountable. He donated $500 to her campaign.

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People like that guy, and the people that watch it, are why we are in the mess that we're in in this country. Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that you should share it. And to a greater degree, just because some random guy on the internet has an opinion, doesn't mean you should consume it. The world isn't nearly as black and white as current social media would lead you to believe.
I do enjoy the fat F "sheepdogs" denouncing BRCC for financially supporting a democrat and not standing behind or supporting someone in the process of a highly propagandized legal battle.

Heres Evans response in case your google doesn't work:
