Truth on antlers

You can’t supplemental feed a wild deer population enough to have any affect on their antler growth.

Age is the biggest factor. You have to let them grow. I’ve hunted the same general area for 25 yrs. 25 yrs ago, a big buck was a 100” 8pt, anything bigger than that was a once in a lifetime animal. Then, the buck limit was decreased and people got picky. Now, 125-140” bucks are common in the area, with 150-160s showing up occasionally.
The property is a little more than 2,000 acres. Me and a couple friends during hunting season can’t touch the pressure switch I don’t think.

That 2000 acres seems like a lot, but that doesn't mean the deer never leave the property. You are kind of thinking of it as a preserve that you are only hunting, but most of the deer are leaving the property at some point (and potentially getting killed). I had access to a property like that for decades. When I first started hunting it I thought of it like a preserve that only I hunted, then I realized that deer leave and never come back. Imagine neighbors with great food plots or baiting setups drawing does and the bucks follow. Neighbors hunting the edge. Trespassers and jacklighters. There is a lot you can't control. If all you see are younger bucks, the older bucks may be in a freezer somewhere nearby.
I’m not sure if it’s already been mentioned but half the genetics come from the doe. A complete unknown.
I’m not sure if it’s already been mentioned but half the genetics come from the doe. A complete unknown.
yes I have learned that. A few years ago when I picked up my recent duck hunting dog the breeder also had a high fence farm and raised elk and whitetail and he absolutely said most of the genetics come from the doe.
That 2000 acres seems like a lot, but that doesn't mean the deer never leave the property. You are kind of thinking of it as a preserve that you are only hunting, but most of the deer are leaving the property at some point (and potentially getting killed). I had access to a property like that for decades. When I first started hunting it I thought of it like a preserve that only I hunted, then I realized that deer leave and never come back. Imagine neighbors with great food plots or baiting setups drawing does and the bucks follow. Neighbors hunting the edge. Trespassers and jacklighters. There is a lot you can't control. If all you see are younger bucks, the older bucks may be in a freezer somewhere nearby.
You’re absolutely right, the range of a mature buck I’m sure is much greater than the 2300 acres I have access to be on. I’m absolutely gonna put food plots in, I just need to do some more research on def effects, remember it’s not my land and the owners are very into the land and I just wanna explain how it works without question , not just how but why
You can’t supplemental feed a wild deer population enough to have any affect on their antler growth.

Age is the biggest factor. You have to let them grow. I’ve hunted the same general area for 25 yrs. 25 yrs ago, a big buck was a 100” 8pt, anything bigger than that was a once in a lifetime animal. Then, the buck limit was decreased and people got picky. Now, 125-140” bucks are common in the area, with 150-160s showing up occasionally.
That’s the crazy part. This past season was the first time anyone’s been allowed to hunt for 20-25 years. Not saying I don’t think trespassers got on. I see a ton of 1-2.5/3 year olds. Passed on a bunch. I can pattern those guys pretty reliably. Trying to find the monsters
While i not trying to say what you are saying about nutrition isnt accurate, are you sure the land has good food sources for deer? Pine woods are not it. Clear cuts are bot it. Successional growth can be, but if the growing plants are not preferred browse for deer, and the hardwoods are bot mast producing, you may still have a hard time with nutrition and that may be the limiting factor.

Can you put in any food plots? If you can, it would be interesting to see if that jas any benefit, and if you see deer piling in and keeping the plot really short, you are limited by nutrition.

I also know some areas of the east have a lot of invasive plants that are not deer sources that will choke out deer browse. Again, maybe you know this all and it isnt an issue, but the way you are writing it kind of seems you are doing more assuming than double checking.

Not trying to be rude here, but i do know many out there are not aware of what deer really eat and will not eat.

And by stressors, i am not talking about hunter stress. I am referring to predators such as coyotes or mt lions or such things. Summer heat is a physical stress as well. Good to hear you have plentiful water for them to drink and cool off in.

Bottom line, if you have seen monsters put there, then the genetics are ok at least to be able to produce those. Something is limiting the bucks, and i would guess it is age and nutrition being a close second.

1. I can tell you the hardwoods are very healthy and at least last year the mast was phenomenal.

2. I think I can put in food plots. I’m sure they’d let me but I want to have more ammo then “hey the deer wanna eat this so let me till up some land and try”. The owners are very into the land and keeping it healthy and I wanna find an area that does little to no support for wildlife and explain how it helps the soil, runoff, wildlife.
The power lines come to mind bc they are pretty open and pretty invaded with thorns and straw grass.

3. You’re not being rude. I do have some coyotes on camera. We’ve shot a couple this season and my gf will be going out w my boss wife and they will be doing some coyote hunting. Other then that only predators we have are bear.

4) is there a food plot that will target both deer and turkey? I’m not a stupid hunter, but I am new to food plots
That’s the crazy part. This past season was the first time anyone’s been allowed to hunt for 20-25 years. Not saying I don’t think trespassers got on. I see a ton of 1-2.5/3 year olds. Passed on a bunch. I can pattern those guys pretty reliably. Trying to find the monsters

I learned a long time ago that the places I like to hunt are different than what the mature deer like. :) Especially areas hard to access with heavy cover or unfavorable winds.

Real in season scouting and trail cams will help too.
Power line roght of ways are great places to turn into food plots. Anything tnat seeds will attract turley, and easy choices for fall plots are a mixture of winter wheat and oats. By soring they will grow out and turkey will be all over the seedheads.

If you have enough area, a summer plot with some soy beans or something could be very beneficial as well. Need at least 5 acres of that though as deer will eat it down too fast and kill the plant before it can get established.
Have you commented how long you have hunted/had access?

My take is if you have 2k acres and it hasn't been hunted in years, your very likely seeing the quality of deer that area and property are capable of producing. I wouldn't expect a few food plots to make a real impact. I'd spend the time learning the ground and hunting it hard a few years before I worried about growing deer.
If you have 2000 acres and it’s only getting minimal hunting pressure, it means that either

A. You are seeing the best the area has to offer.

B. The property is crap. It doesn’t offer the habitat the deer need/want.

C. You don’t know how to hunt the mature deer that are on the property.

My guess is it’s A.
If you have 2000 acres and it’s only getting minimal hunting pressure, it means that either

A. You are seeing the best the area has to offer.

B. The property is crap. It doesn’t offer the habitat the deer need/want.

C. You don’t know how to hunt the mature deer that are on the property.

My guess is it’s A.
I believe in (a) as well. The pics I posted originally have been cameras placed on all ends of the land, however not in the thickest most human unfriendly environment. There have been sightings of big guys like the old feller on camera. Im
Not upset, there are some super nice symmetrical tall and wide 6s, I’ve got no issue w that.

As for (c) im sure thats some of it too. Trying to learn it all is a task
The trinity in deer antlers is food, genetics, and management.
Have to have all three for sure.


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The trinity in deer antlers is food, genetics, and management.
Have to have all three for sure
^^^ What he said. Genetics, nutrition and letting the 3.5 and 4.5 bucks grow up. It takes all three. I feed straight protein pellets from the middle of February to the end of July and maintain mineral stations and we've seen a difference. Also helps the does get ready for feeding the fawns.
I’m under the impression does almost need more nutrients than bucks. It takes a lot more nutrients to keep a doe healthy as they start to lactate and a longer period of need when it comes to nutrients vs antler growth. But antlers start way earlier than a doe lactates. So when would you start feeding for does vs bucks.
I’m under the impression does almost need more nutrients than bucks. It takes a lot more nutrients to keep a doe healthy as they start to lactate and a longer period of need when it comes to nutrients vs antler growth. But antlers start way earlier than a doe lactates. So when would you start feeding for does vs bucks.
I feed year round but concentrate more on does and antler growth between now and the later part of July. Now is when they are most stressed with end of winter and lack of natural food sources. Hopefully help the does recover and get ready to have little ones and feed the fawns. I’ll switch over to straight protein pellets in a week or so and continue it to the later part of July. I’ll then change to three parts corn and one part protein pellets the rest of the year.
Age is king, nutrition and genetics of course play, but you have no control or idea of true genetics in a wild deer herd!

On some land I managed we had a 3 yr old in the 170s, I put him on the no fly zone thinking here is our 200 inch plus deer in the near future, he had doubles on all his points and was really impressive, one of the land owners passed him that year.

We hunted him hard for a few seasons after and he never made it over 185 gross, we had the sheds, he lost all of his doubled points after his third year, for sure the same buck as he had very distinct heavy inward pointing brow tines and the same habits each year!

The owner missed him when he was 5 and in the mid 180s, I left that job and to my knowledge they never killed the deer, they were on him the year after but that was the last I spoke with them and he was basically the same size.
The only difference I can see from Mule Deer to Whitetails would be the genetic component to antlers. Best estimate in whitetails is that the mother contributes somewhere around 75% of the genetic component for antlers to her male offspring. The mother's genetics appears to control the general shape of the rack. What the father contributes isn't well understood, because those who have figured it out quickly go into the breeder buck business and don't discuss their findings!