Any reviews or opinions on the Tenzing 6000/5000 packs yet???



when david puts his brown bear skin in the pack and hauls it out we will see if the pack has any merit. it does not matter how pretty it looks, just how it holds up to real use

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
I would be interested in this as well. From what I can see w/o likely ever getting to see one in person the opening on the top of the pack is a lot smaller than a Barney's Pinnacle bag or a even Kifaru Longhunter style bag (likely similar to the size of the relatively small mouth Timberline bags). That alone should make it interesting to get a bear hide inside of it. I would like to try one out myself, but have too many packs as it is still.


Apr 13, 2012
I am unpatiently awaiting a chance to check the Tenzings out as well. I have a Dragonfly that works great but I am starting to find more little things about it that bug me. I was debating if I should sell it and try to move up in price but that takes money I don't have so I also thought of selling it and trying the G11. Now I guess I will have to wait and see what these packs have to offer.


Apr 23, 2012
Helena, MT
Got to handle one yesterday. Didnt seem like 4000+ cubic inches but thats too much for me anyways. I'm 5'9" and setting the pack at large seemed to fit but didnt get a chance to test the suspension. Shoulder straps are contoured nicely. The organization of the pack is its best attribute, being very well thought out and having much attention to detail. The fabric is a little noisy and I would have liked the meat compartment to exand even more. It is nice that the belt pockets are separate from the belt but it would be nicer if they were removable. Pack compressed down very good with straps in the right spots. When they are available I'll probably get one and keep my horn hunter for training and as a loaner.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Got to handle one yesterday. Didnt seem like 4000+ cubic inches but thats too much for me anyways.

Man I wish I could get away with a 4000 cu in pack, but most of the time I need 6000-8000 cu in just fit it everything in it on the way out of my hunts. :D


Apr 23, 2012
Helena, MT
Replacing a tent with a tarp/myog bivy combo and replacing water filter with a sawyer inline and chemical treatment cut down a lot of bulk. I was able to fit in a horn hunter 3000 in^3 bag with four days of gear. Still need to refine it over this summer before fall but I should post my list for critique sometime.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Replacing a tent with a tarp/myog bivy combo and replacing water filter with a sawyer inline and chemical treatment cut down a lot of bulk. I was able to fit in a horn hunter 3000 in^3 bag with four days of gear. Still need to refine it over this summer before fall but I should post my list for critique sometime.

Oh if we are talking about just getting your gear in a pack then I can ceratinly get away with about 2500-3000 for a week long solo endeavor. However, I want to be able to haul a bear (hide and meat) or a sheep out in the same load as my camp. Thats when having a 6000+ cu in pack shines and why I use one for all but day trips usually.
May 14, 2012
Forest Lake, MN
Tenzing TZ5000 and TZ6000

Both the TZ5000 and TZ6000 will gain recognition quickly this season. Both are designed to carry heavy loads with comfort and ease. Both packs are also designed to expand if necessary to accomodate additional gear or a quartered animal and the adjustable torso length on both packs means that the buyer does not have to worry about selecting the wrong size pack. David's review was correct in stating that at first glance the pack is overwhelming because of all the features. With a little familiarization, these packs turn into compartmentalized gear hauling machines.

If you are interested in either pack, feel free to shoot me a p.m. or give me a call. We are an authorized dealer of Tenzing packs.[/URL]


Feb 25, 2012
well folks. they are on sale from ^^^ this weekend. I would lovea review before pulling the trigger.


Jan 30, 2012
Mohnton, PA
I have the 5k and have it loaded with all my gear and have been hiking with it. All I can say for now is it is the best packing Pack I have owned. Plenty of room and spots for everything and it rides real well. I have had lighter packs of this size but in the end no one has produced a real lightweight rugged pack. So for the money I feel this Pack gets 5 stars. Are only hope is that David & Jay can somehow make that magical pack at 4-5lbs and it be rugged enough to carry out 100lbs of success without tearing into your shoulders!