Any Recommendations for a 1p Trekking pole tent?

If you are hunting in wet environments you’ll likely be in your tent waiting out rain so if you are tall or have a long torso consider this an important comfort factor being able to sit upright in your shelter. For example the SMD Lunar Solo pitches around 50 inches high, the argali rincon 54 inches high and the HMG ultamid 2 at 64 inches. That was my progression of tents. I pair the floorless with a bivy for bug protection
What are those stakes and what do you think of them? I've always used the Y style stakes and have no idea how something like that does.

Nemo Airpins. They're easier to get in to some rocky ground, and they're great for good solid ground.

But if it's loose soil or gonna be real windy, i use the MSR Groundhogs
I used an X-Mid 1 on my last two years sheep hunts. It’s very roomy when laying down and sitting up. The two vestibules are extremely nice.

I went from a Hilleberg Akto for these hunts, to the X-Mid for the only reason of trying to save some weight. The Akto sets up fast, has a small footprint and very strong in winds.

I really liked the X-Mid but it takes a lot of staking and messing around to get it really solid and ready for bad alpine weather compared to the Akto. This is the only downside I found with it. At the end of a long day, the last thing I want to do is spend that much time and energy fussing with tent pitch.
If I wasn’t going to be spending that much time up high and exposed, then the X-Mid is a really nice tent.

This year I’ll be using a Tarptent Scarp 1 Ultra(not a trekking pole tent). I’m trying to get a fast, solid setup similar to Akto but with less weight.

Others I may try in the future are Hilleberg Enan or Argali Owyhee 1P with insert.
I was going through this same thing and ended up with the Tarptent stratospire 1. It’s really a 1+ because you can fit two sleeping beds in the inner side by side.

This is my solo tent for when the weather isn’t looking good and I have had no issues what so ever. I also like that they make the side car if I wanted to bring one of my kids. But if I’m doing that, I’ll typically bring my duplex or cinder cone pyramid.
I used an X-Mid 1 on my last two years sheep hunts. It’s very roomy when laying down and sitting up. The two vestibules are extremely nice.

I went from a Hilleberg Akto for these hunts, to the X-Mid for the only reason of trying to save some weight. The Akto sets up fast, has a small footprint and very strong in winds.

I really liked the X-Mid but it takes a lot of staking and messing around to get it really solid and ready for bad alpine weather compared to the Akto. This is the only downside I found with it. At the end of a long day, the last thing I want to do is spend that much time and energy fussing with tent pitch.
If I wasn’t going to be spending that much time up high and exposed, then the X-Mid is a really nice tent.

This year I’ll be using a Tarptent Scarp 1 Ultra(not a trekking pole tent). I’m trying to get a fast, solid setup similar to Akto but with less weight.

Others I may try in the future are Hilleberg Enan or Argali Owyhee 1P with insert.
Locus Gear Djedi DCF may interest you. Fully enclosed and free standing at the same weight as the scarp 1 without the inner.

Big fan of my Locus Gear Khufu as a solo floorless shelter. Only takes one pole to pitch, which I prefer because I'll often run one trekking pole paired with a trekking axe.
I use the Argalie Owyhee last year. I would recommend it when you think it may be dry. I am going to use the Argali Rincon with the half nest this fall. I wanted more room for my stuff under the vestibule and more usable covered space should it rain.
Just did a bit of research, and I really seem to like the offerings from Tarptent. The Moment DW and the Stratospire 2 (I know this is a 2p tent) seem to fit my needs. Does anyone have experience with these specifically?
The Stratospire 2 Li is my go to tent when my wife is with. When pitched correctly it’s bombproof. Im not easy on things and the DCF floor has held up well with no groundsheet.

It has a really big footprint which is a pain trying to fit it in tight spots, so I opt for something smaller when by myself.
Hard to believe that after 2 pages and no one has mentioned Seekoutside Silex. It's a duel pole tarp and very stable in the wind. Get the inner nest and you have everything from hot tent to bug proof.
Locus Gear Djedi DCF may interest you. Fully enclosed and free standing at the same weight as the scarp 1 without the inner.

Big fan of my Locus Gear Khufu as a solo floorless shelter. Only takes one pole to pitch, which I prefer because I'll often run one trekking pole paired with a trekking axe.
Thanks for the info.
I just stumbled onto a great deal I couldn’t pass up on a lightly used Argali Owyhee with insert. When the weather gets better here I’ll be able to try it and my new Scarp 1 Ultra and see which one I want to keep.
The stoneglacier skyair Ult made my list of potential tents. The original manufacturer is slingfin and the model is the splitwing it's essentially just rebranded by SG.
Lots of good suggestions on this thread. One thing I overlooked when sizing up tents in the past is the size of the footprint. Having a larger footprint when you don’t have the space is an issue. I haven’t found a perfect solution for all of the shelter considerations. I use a bivy for some hunts and durston x mid or x dome for later season options. X mid is great but has a bigger footprint.