A few years ago I made a similar stove using ti-foil I bought from Titanium Goat. I bought Ti dinner plates, I think from Snow Peak. Found them online and got a discount coupon from one of the outdoor stores. I made my rings from Stainless fishing leader material and used the commercial swedges the leader makers sell, which can be crimped with an ordinary pliers. To hold the endplates to the stove body I used aluminum turnbuckles hooked to the stainless leader material and cut slots in the edge of the plates. While that worked in the controlled environment of home, it did not work well in the field as the leader material, while strong in tension, cannot support any perpendicular loads very well. This is where the all-thread has an advantage---it can hold a pot without buckling. In my case, just the downward weight of the ti stove pipe was enough to buckle the top of the stove. I looked into ti all-thread but it is very expensive, so I then sought out ti bicycle spokes, which unfortunately, no longer appear to be made. I found a friend with two high end bike wheels with ti spokes that he gave me, and removed several spokes from the rims. I am still experimenting with the spokes to find the best configuration.
My stove originally was about 22" long, which I found to be too long to draft properly, so I have shortened it. Also, I did not come up with a satisfactory leg set-up, and initially set the stove on the ground. That was not good, as the stove body wants to roll one way of the other, which can lead to a pipe disconnect, which is not good in a closed shelter when you have a hot fire in the stove. I like your leg idea and will look for the connectors, although I do not relish drilling more holes in the Ti end plates because they do not like being drilled.
I'm still experimenting, but the biggest disappointment was the short burn time of the stove. These things eat wood and are good for warming up after returning to camp, but even with good hardwood, you are not going to get a 3-4 hour burn. A half hour is more like it.