justin davis
Nice job
You can use a step bit to cut clean holes in metal.
Thanks man. This is what Ive been looking for. since My Holes are cut can I use that to clean it up or am I pass that point? Bbrown I like yours a lot. Looks almost exactly like the Ed T. Great work man.
Picture fail again
Yeah, a good set of step bits are pricey. However, for someone needing limited use, Harbor Freight to the rescue.
Depending on what size holes you need to make.
SHTF, I think they would clean up your previous holes alright but bbrown's suggestion of a dremel is a good option too. Also, for the future, you can use hole saws but that might also have issues with very thing metal.
Next time you have your stove apart take a smooth face hammer to it on the concrete floor of your garage - helped tame some of those little sharp points on mine.The outside holes look alright but man its a mangled steel mess on the inside. IM definitely all about function over the looks though. But im worried about getting cut on one of the pieces that didnt come off when I drilled so I will definitely check those bits out.