And here it comes...

Brad, I’ve been waiting for your honey hole for 3 years! Close to the road and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hill in any of your pictures! Feel free to PM so it’s only me and not all of rockslide there!!!

Very observant grasshopper:)
If you get in a bind I may have a honey hole or two I haven’t visited recently for ya :)
You’re a good man, but No bind this year. The elk gods were good to me this week! It’s not close to the road, and definitely not flat, but there might be an elk or 2 out there! ;)
I had a guy PM asking about a unit. The unit was so small I couldn't (wouldn't) give him any info. I simply told him just go and glass and figure it out. That's what I did. If he did that, he was successful. That's what I always do.

Just go and spend an entire day or even two, glassing, hiking, finding food, water, bedding, escape routes, ridges, drainages. This isn't rocket science and elk aren't acting different than they did 100 years ago, they still eat, sleep and drink. Perhaps pressure has changed some, both human and other, but note that and use your electronic thingy and see where the elk may be heading due to all the 4 wheeler hunters or boy scout expeditions.

But I do get it, many guys on this forum not from the West, get sucked into "gear need" mode. They gotta have this or that to "get r done", cause that's what the Youtuber has, or that's what the hunt shows have, or the latest pod cast said.

Maybe some of these guys spent a lot of $$ and they feel the pressure to tag out and avoid a run down from the Mrs. when they return home with a clean $800 kifaru set up, $300 Crispi, $1000 tipi and stove, $400 WM sleeping bag, $1000 worth of cool FL or Sitka matching camo, $1800 binos, $180 trek poles, $80 game bags, $250 BM knife, $150 worth of water purification, fancy $125 cook stove, $400 electronic thingy
and NO ELK MEAT.....
Mama gonna have a yard sale....

To these guys I will just say- go.
Spend a day scouting, watching , looking and use common sense and figure it out. Hey if you're in an area that is crowded, it's gonna be tough. If you're in an area that's extremely dry that year, it's gonna be tough. But it's only tough if you stay there instead of using common sense and go some where else that offers elk food water and bedding. Use that cool $400 electronic thingy.

But don't ask on a forum for help. Please, PM and if that doesn't work, no big deal. You will figure it out, or maybe this isn't for you.
You hit the nail on the head many folks putting a lot of pressure on the harvest and not the adventure of the hunt. Gotta justify all that new gear and tag out. Like you said, a lot of investment in these hunts for some folks for tags, gear, travel, and that's for a public land excursion unguided in most cases. I'm always surprised when I go up a mt and see folks with brand new name brand XXX everything. Its almost like a marauding outfitter store on some folks backs. Reading this forum and others before ever putting in for tags could save so much heart ache for a new guy to western hunts. Seeking advise on gear, setups ect, could save a good chunk of change, and put the focus back on the hunt itself, but I guess that's just my opinion.
Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.
Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.

Hahahahahahahahahaha I love this

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Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.
No no no... first they have to set that Monster energy drink up on their flat brim before they can wipe away those tears lol

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No no no... first they have to set that Monster energy drink up on their flat brim before they can wipe away those tears lol

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I forgot about the flatbill. And KISS army facepaint. And you gotta call everybody dude and bra. And call it epic. Everything is epic. Prostaffer extraordinaire. Funny thing is you never see any of their gear bloody.
Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.

Dang, just pegged half the guys here.

Just kidding, but I wonder what the old guys that came before us where complaining about when they saw us? Even in the Army, it was always the old guys complaining about the newbies. Then you retire and its those newbies from years ago (now the old guys) complaining about the new newbies and they are saying basically the same thing we said years ago. Its one vicious cycle after another.
I always liked unit 14, you can stay at the ramada inn and walk out the back door and be into elk in no time. Then there is unit 80, man i’ve never seen so many bulls. Taylor park has the least pressure, i’ve never seen another hunter around there. If i had my gps i would post some waypoints.

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Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.

I just spit my monster all over my new HEC's base layer...... thanks a lot bra I'm never gonna get this stain out!!!!!!!
Just kidding, but I wonder what the old guys that came before us where complaining about when they saw us?

Yeh, there was this guy:

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." -Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
Kinda getting away from the topic here but I think what has changed is the guys asking hey where do I go are this new breed of hunter that’s fueled by the outdoor channel and YouTube’s. They’ve made this whole giant industry of some kinda weird hunting fashion statement, where you gotta have neon purple bowstrings and ozone machines and all these crazy gizmos and whizzbangs to kill or “have an encounter”. That shit kills me, naming critters or calling it an encounter. It’s the kids that daddy bought me a diesel truck and I covered it in yeti and boner collector stickers crowd. And they’re not looking for a real hunt or an experience, they’re looking to be able to say they killed a elk, white tail, insert your choice of animal here, just like they’re favorite whispering idiot on the Outdoor channel. And if your butthurt bc your truck is covered in yeti and boner collector stickers, then just reach over and wipe those tears with your scent free Camo nasa approved space explorer pajamas. And if your extra mad I bet you shoot Rage broadheads lmao. Sorry, not sorry.
I’m yeah....but have you seen their biceps??!!??!!
Dang, just pegged half the guys here.

Just kidding, but I wonder what the old guys that came before us where complaining about when they saw us? Even in the Army, it was always the old guys complaining about the newbies. Then you retire and its those newbies from years ago (now the old guys) complaining about the new newbies and they are saying basically the same thing we said years ago. Its one vicious cycle after another.

It’s mostly in good fun. I don’t doubt there are some reall good guys and great hunters out there shooting neon orange carbon whatever’s and bring an ozone machine in the woods with em. I’ve got buddies that do. Hell i don’t really like to talk about it but I’ve even got friends that shoot Mathews. LOL. I’m pretty sure they must come out of the box with 57 giant stickers now. Full back glass size. Like a tramp stamp for your truck..But they’re in counseling and maybe with a few more sessions they’ll come around. Moving on, all jokes aside I get it. I can poke fun all I want but there is a guy out there somewhere gettin it done in flannel with a stick bow who thinks the stuff I pack/use/shoot is crazy, and a guy in a loin cloth with a self sharpened rock who thinks the guy in flannel is a yuppie. End of the day, if a guy wants to shoot a purple bow and be on 7 bro staffs and needs a car battery to power his hunting clothes, that’s fine. His choice. As long as a guy does his part to help along this thing we love called the hunt, I got zero issues with your choice of whatever’s out there. Take care of the places we got left to hunt and teach a kid to do the same. Then go wear whatever Goochyflage you want and I’ll still drink a beer with u when it’s all done. As long as you promise to never ever shoot a rage again.
What’s with the rage hate?

I tried some several years ago had a super low brace height bow drawing 86lb, 32 inch draw, they would deploy on release and go into orbit or wherever they pleased. Not all of that is the broadheads fault I know. That would be asking a lot of any mechanical. I never could make a fixed blade fly out of that bow, but that’s probably due to my lack of tuning skills. Been on more than one blood trail where the blades didn’t deploy. A few of those I’m guessing on due to the pitiful trail. 1 I know for sure bc it was pass through stuck in the ground, blades still locked. I’ve got a buddy with a bloodhound who makes damn good money running blood trails. They’re his favorite head lol. My main complaint with them is that I used to shoot nocturnals, and really liked them. Then all a sudden I get 3 packs of em and they all say ” from the makers of Rage’’ and the nocks are giant heaps of shit. I know there’s people that swear by em, killed elephants and dinosaurs with em. I think they’re a joke.

I will say tho, gotta give credit where credit is due, one of the nastiest trails I’ve ever seen was from a 3 blade rage. Looked like a crime seen, deer looked like somebody shot a baseball through it. I just can’t go full draw on something while in the back of my head I’m thinking I hope this is one of the times it works like it’s supposed to.

Part of the reason they get a bad wrap is bc the guys who didn’t shoot all summer or never shot their broad heads, will fling 10 arrows few days before season, call it good then screw on the one they see on TV all the time, and head out in the woods shooting stuff in the ass and ears. Then swear they smoked it and say rage sucks. Well I do agree with em,but it’s for different reasons.
I think one of my first posts was asking for help picking a unit. At the time, I was naive and didn't realize it was such a faux pas. I deleted that thread after being made aware of my mistake.

What would have been helpful is to be pointed in the direction of the CPW statistics for DAUs and GMUs to pick a unit, and the hunt atlas to further refine potential spots in a unit.

We can point newbs to the raw data sets and let them comb through it to pick their own spots without giving away the spots and knowledge we worked to acquire.

Colorado Parks & Wildlife -
Hunting Statistics
Just noticing a different long until eastmans and gohunt will recommend creating an account on RoK/OYOA/etc solely for the purpose of not having a recent join date when you make your first (or 6th) ever post 5 years later asking about unit such and such?