And here it comes...

As long as the game department is issuing tags, I'll hunt any unit blind. No ****'s given.
I will tell you that unit XXX can be very long as you know what you're doing. Come to think of it, unit XYZ is very much the same as XXX. So flip a coin and go to either or both.......but make sure you know what you're doing.

I've been scouring the regs, I cant find zones XXX or XYZ anywhere, can someone point a guy in the right direction.
Spot on for - Brenden/Squirrels/5miles

As for the ‘not looking for honey holes’
What the hell are you looking for? Bad areas?

I think many apply for a license and haven’t done a lick of prior research, then get on forums, asking about specific areas/drainages thinking people will spout off intel.


Gotta love how they ask, get a few responses and then are never heard from again, forums are not for this crap!
Do you have anything proof to back up the theory that this is due to a greenhorn asking about the unit on a forum?

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After years of hunting an area that was great until promoted on the web, it is very easy to see first hand.
After years of hunting an area that was great until promoted on the web, it is very easy to see first hand.

Sure, and in the case of Eastman’s or Newberg or somebody talking about a spot I get it because those people have reach. Or a spot that suddenly has improved success rates and getting on people’s radar that way. I’m more asking about the suggestion that some obvious rookie asking about an area would prompt ANYONE else to hunt there let alone a stampede of people. It seems a little far fetched and hard to really know - was it the forum post or some other factor you don’t know about? And which is more likely. It could be the forum post, I guess, I’m just skeptical.

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Sure, and in the case of Eastman’s or Newberg or somebody talking about a spot I get it because those people have reach. Or a spot that suddenly has improved success rates and getting on people’s radar that way. I’m more asking about the suggestion that some obvious rookie asking about an area would prompt ANYONE else to hunt there let alone a stampede of people. It seems a little far fetched and hard to really know - was it the forum post or some other factor you don’t know about? And which is more likely. It could be the forum post, I guess, I’m just skeptical.

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I think its more about people coming on forums for a free lunch and then never coming back or contributing anything that is irritating. I don’t think anyone has an issue with helping out people that truly want to learn.
I think its more about people coming on forums for a free lunch and then never coming back or contributing anything. I don’t think anyone has an issue with helping out people that truly want to learn.

I get that but somebody up the thread a ways literally suggested that those people requesting info was enough to cause the trailheads to suddenly fill up in a unit that wasn’t busy before, unless I misunderstood. I’m 100% in agreement that hopping on and asking about a unit is pretty low effort and a waste of everybody’s time by and large. Different story asking folks you know and trust or doing actual research of course.

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I'm guilty of having asked about a wilderness area. However, I had specific questions about availability of water or something if I remember right. I did get a douche to pm me and chew me out for having asked the question. I guess from my perspective, coming from Iowa where a given chunk of public land might be 80 to a couple hundred acres, I didn't think asking about thousands of acres was an issue, especially since I wasn't asking about elk or their locations. If that's frowned upon, I wasn't aware, and wouldn't do it again. That said, if someone were planning an Iowa hunt, I wouldn't hesitate to suggest areas that hold big bucks. To me, I know a guy is paying for a tag and likely contributing to our local economy. And since I'm here year round, I can always find another spot. I guess deer and elk might just be different. But, I will say I ran into a guy from Ohio two years ago who was scouting and I knew he wasn't in the right spot. I suggested another spot and he decided to take his bow just in case. Never even hung a stand and shot a 177 inch whitetail and I helped him drag it out. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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I got talked out of trying to go to a different unit after posting it on here, I appreciated it the information given and it helped ease my decision.
God bless Newberg but I could see a guy getting hot about his sometimes loose lips.

Crazy to think that we're losing hunters yet the fields seem to get more and more crowded and big game application numbers seem to increase every year. I wonder if total hunter hours are really going down or just the number of people participating?

The internet and Social media shrink the world and it has been a bad thing for quality of hunting in my experience. All but made me quit waterfowl hunting which used to be my primary passion.
I’m all about dem PMs boss. Many of the most helpful to me have been those that talked me outta a unit!!
I also have a bad habit of feeling guilty for being pissed that a guy who just joined the forum is PMing me asking about OTC this and that and then I give him info and good general ideas and critique his plans and try to help and then it’s a year or two later and I look and see that he hasn’t been back on the forum since a week before his hunt.
Dude is usually military or taking his rookie cousin or his 65 year old dad or has just got a divorce or had his truck broke down, etc
As a newer member to the forum, but long time lurker, I agree with all you seasoned folks. I know newer folks who have asked to join me on hunts tend to focus on the harvest as the end all be all...its almost an entitlement syndrome that they MUST get a kill for some reason and will ask, beg and scour for the handout as opposed to working for it. Never understood how folks show up on these hunting forums with hands out expecting golden eggs? I decided to join up here because of the great tips, feedback, and ideas people have put out there that have made me a better hunter with thee hope that in PMs I could give back as well. So with that said...Thanks to you guys throughout the years who in your suggestions and tips have helped this hunter and his dad out!
I have had people reach out to me and ask me for information on a unit that I asked about 4 years ago when I started out and never even hunted... I think even simply asking about a location causes some people looking for a nugget to think - "If he's asking about it, maybe there's a reason for it and I should look into it..." and can inadvertently draw people towards a location.
In general yes.
But only fools will post specific intel on the web

And even BIGGER fools would believe it.

This is my second year as a big game hunter and I am grateful to all of the people here for helping me with equipment questions. But that is to save money. Taking the time to learn a unit yourself, getting out there and braving the unknown, isn't that what hunting is all about? Aren't you supposed to fail a few times before becoming successful?

You will find the same thing on other forums: Jeeping = don't share your GPS coordinates on the internet, Firearms = stop asking about how to become a sniper, Predator Hunting = where are all of the coyotes? Each group has their own reasons for these concerns and I support what cnelk has brought forth in this thread. You want to be successful? Do the hard work yourself!!

Edit: And another thing, don't post any intel that ANYONE can read on the internet. Then all the non-desirables show up to a good spot. Spread the info amongst friends, it helps preserve these great hunting grounds we cherish.
I've helped out a number of people on various forums, and I always say "please let me know how your hunting season goes!"

Guess how many people get back to me on how there season went? None. Zero.

So as much as I like to help out newer hunters get into the sport, it's tough to keep it up when clearly they don't appreciate the time I took and information I gave them to even respond to me at the end of the season. Sometimes people won't even respond to a single PM I send. That's pretty rude and i begin just ignoring anyone else asking for help in that same way. Just another new member who won't return.
Just to play "devil's advocate" on this one... I do find it hard to keep in touch with other guys when the inbox limits on here are so low. I always try to keep at least one message from guys I've helped, guys who have helped me or just guys I have talked about doing hunting with, but it becomes really hard when you are limited to like 30 inbox messages.

I've helped out a number of people on various forums, and I always say "please let me know how your hunting season goes!"

Guess how many people get back to me on how there season went? None. Zero.

So as much as I like to help out newer hunters get into the sport, it's tough to keep it up when clearly they don't appreciate the time I took and information I gave them to even respond to me at the end of the season. Sometimes people won't even respond to a single PM I send. That's pretty rude and i begin just ignoring anyone else asking for help in that same way. Just another new member who won't return.
I will admit, I was once a naive information seeker and was guilty of the "Not looking for your honey holes" thread on at least one of occasion. That was a long time ago and have learned a lot of valuable lessons. Since then I've been helped and been able to hopefully help others through PM. Although most of the time it's like you guys say, they disappear.
There’s far to many resources readily available to us for every State. There’s no need to be asking questions on specific units in an open forum. People need to do there own research.
Just to play "devil's advocate" on this one... I do find it hard to keep in touch with other guys when the inbox limits on here are so low. I always try to keep at least one message from guys I've helped, guys who have helped me or just guys I have talked about doing hunting with, but it becomes really hard when you are limited to like 30 inbox messages.

That could be one reason, but in general I never see them comment again either. It's like they just leave.

Now I don't want every forum I'm on to be a "cool kids club" with just a small group of old timers exchanging information and ignoring any and all new members.
At one time I was a new hunter too. And while I was smart enough not to ask for anyone's spot, I was very grateful for any little tidbits of guidance more experienced hunters gave me. And I told them thank you and although there really was no way I could repay them, perhaps I could do the same for other new guys down the road.

Now none of that information in hindsight was that great. But it did help point me in the right direction. And the most common, frustrating at the time, and wise advice I got was people would say, "Just get out there and see it for yourself. Don't just look on the internet. Spend the gas money, take the time and go to the mountains and just learn for yourself."