And here it comes...

I moved to Arizona two and half years ago and was fortunate enough to draw a decent late rifle bull tag last year. A work buddy of mine was a big user of coueswhitetail and enticed me to put up a generic post about the unit against my better judgment. I offered to swap info for OTC Colorado elk which I’ve done a number of times. I got a fair share of guys that were somewhat rude about it, but I actually got a lot of positive feedback in PMs. One guy wanted to hunt it together, and another guy had a lot of experience in the unit and was very helpful, though honestly the unit is pretty uncomplicated and I didn’t learn anything that wasn’t fairly obvious. Regardless, I was very thankful for the willingness to help and had a great hunt. Afterward I PMd both guys back a day-by-day breakdown of the hunt and all the bulls I saw and in what locations, just as a thank you. Then of course they never messaged me back……so I’ve been on both sides of it. I stuck around on that site and check in often enough, though it’s not as busy as this site.

I don’t mind people asking for help about units in general, but I don’t like people looking for handouts. I just wish we could know whether who we were responding to are going to stick around and maybe write back. Pretty much throughout this thread the consensus is people never write back after the hunt, but I’ve had some guys that have. I had at least a dozen guys PM me about info this year for the aforementioned Arizona bull tag. I gave help to those who seemed like they had at least somewhat put effort into familiarizing themselves with the unit. We’ll see how many of them write me back in December. My guess is none of them but hey, you have to expect that going in I guess.
This crap makes me so angry. In my state big game isn't that big of a deal since almost all tags are a draw and self limiting. Most out of state people aren't going to draw the tag frequently enough for it to matter. OTC hunts are the opposite. I know one guy that just can't seem to keep his mouth closed about anything, Turkeys, quail pheasants, squirrels, lizards etc. and will even give out GPS coordinates to anyone who asks and he is constantly trolling and looking for info to pass along. What people don't think about is talking openly about a unit or area on these boards always remains. Google GMU this or that and see how many threads come up from 10 years ago. This crap has burned many of my good small game areas. Literally hunted areas for 10 plus years never really saw anyone, then the facebook bragging boards happen, and in the last 2 years Ive seen 3 x as many people as I did all 10 years combined. All out of stater's, and when I ask how they found out about this area or that area it's always the same story " I messaged so and so on so and so forum or facebook and they told me where to go". It seems when info is given so freely very few people safe guard that info in return. Example I asked a non res guy about quail hunting in Az. his response "Here's the GPS coordinates, lots of birds", when I told him no need to give me all that he responded "no problem i'm never going back so what do I care". Think about that, I knew the guy for 10 minuets. I could care less if guys go out put in the work and figure it out on their own, its all our land. I'm just sick of the entitlement and lack of effort people are willing to put in and the unwillingness to fail. Buy a freaking map and walk around!
So...does anyone have a honey hole for me?..

Has anyone else been asked this point blank? I had a guy on hunttalk with 0 posts PM me asking about a unit that I'd offered advice for some guy months back. This new guy literally asked me where my honey holes were and was hoping to hunt them.....
This new guy literally asked me where my honey holes were and was hoping to hunt them.....

That's hilarious I would have given him fake coordinates.

I have had people ask where I was hunting ducks and geese before. Also where I caught big walleyes.
That's hilarious I would have given him fake coordinates.

I have had people ask where I was hunting ducks and geese before. Also where I caught big walleyes.
Hahaha, especially the big walleyes one. Nobody wants to learn how to fish they just ask where you are and what you're using. Followed up by if you can send them waypoints.

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Anyone who posts specific locations, drainages on the web should be shot, tarred and feathered, banned for life, you name it...

Well there are some spots that a guy can bring it they can go to the same Turkey Creek TH I hunt out of Pagosa Springs and I will never run into them. That Missionary ridge area is good too....very few guys know about those 2 spots...but then they still have to get into the elk.
Hahaha, especially the big walleyes one.

Last year I literally had a guy uproot his permanent ice castle and move onto my holes after I left the lake with my portable. He saw me pull out a 29iner. Didn't move his house all year.
Sounds like Wisconsin. This winter had a guy watching me and my 3 year old catch Perch through his bino's and proceed to pull his permanent shack 10 yards from us and start punching holes. Then after an hour of not catching anything had the balls to walk over and ask what we were doing to catch fish and why he wasn't.
Last year I literally had a guy uproot his permanent ice castle and move onto my holes after I left the lake with my portable. He saw me pull out a 29iner. Didn't move his house all year.

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I've shared information via PM for LE units after it was pretty clear that the individual had put in the legwork. My buddy and I received some valuable information from forum members during past hunts and were very thankful. I'll lend a hand as a way to pay it forward. Karma if you will. I'm always thankful to receive suggestions, but I'm also aware that I need to do my own work as well. Our last LE hunt, we flew out to scout in July, hung trail cameras, talked with biologists and wardens, etc. I got burned sharing OTC information once. I was naive. Never again.
That's hilarious I would have given him fake coordinates.

I have had people ask where I was hunting ducks and geese before. Also where I caught big walleyes.
That's easy. Tell them you hunt ducks and geese in the air, and catch walleyes in the water lol

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Well there are some spots that a guy can bring it they can go to the same Turkey Creek TH I hunt out of Pagosa Springs and I will never run into them. That Missionary ridge area is good too....very few guys know about those 2 spots...but then they still have to get into the elk.

Thanks. Now I'm done doing homework ;)
I have really enjoyed reading this thread. As a newbie on Forums its very valuable to hear your opinions. I am happy to see most of yours match mine. I grew up in the mountains and deserts of the West and have lost many very special places to the hordes following the info put out on social media. I never talk about that special fishing hole or those hidden backcountry ski runs but if someone finds them via hard work - map reading and boots on the ground - then I welcome them with open arms. Social media is a bane to our society in so many ways.
Last year I literally had a guy uproot his permanent ice castle and move onto my holes after I left the lake with my portable. He saw me pull out a 29iner. Didn't move his house all year.

29 incher?? Around here we just use those as bait for actual big walleyes ;)
Hell I don't even believe half the stuff you guys post on here anyways.

The thing that is unfortunate in all of the "hot spot" asks is that by not doing your own homework you are missing out on the experience you get from reading maps, Google earth, stats etc. Preparation is half of the fun and one should really learn to spot a saddle, bench, etc from a topo map. This preparation is what keeps the blood flowing in the off season. I think I've spent some part of every day this year obsessively preparing to execute the plan of attack.

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I think one of the most aggravating things is that it seems like none of these folks can even use the search function on THIS site, let alone search the rest of the web. You'd think in the process of searching they'd have come across a thread like this and realized we're nice, but not that nice...

The quality of responses I send to a PM depends upon the number of posts they've made. More posts, more information - and I don't remember any of you who are regulars who were asking for specifics anyways. Even in units I don't hunt, but spend a fair amount of time in, it just doesn't feel right giving away information that's not earned. Somebody out there has done their homework for that unit, why should I ruin it for them?
Had a guy offer to get a resident guide license and take me into wilderness in WY last year on this site. It ended up not working out, and I shot a bull elsewhere, but that guy got all the info I had and will in the future.

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Brad, I’ve been waiting for your honey hole for 3 years! Close to the road and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hill in any of your pictures! Feel free to PM so it’s only me and not all of rockslide there!!!