I realize it can be a bit annoying when someones asks questions that could be answered with a little research-but what is worse is when someone posts something to belittle or criticize the person for asking. If you don't like the post ignore it and move on. When you post something negative in response it only makes you look like a jackass.
EVERY single hunter had to start somewhere. There is a polite way to tell someone they need to do a little homework. I am headed to a few areas in Wyoming & Montana soon and plan to scout for 3-4 weeks. I will not tell folks anything terribly specific but I also will not ostracize anyone for asking.
I didn't really see anyone in this thread ridiculing anyone directly, I think all the comments are honest but in good fun (at least mine are). I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feeling. I will say I doubt the guy shelling out the fee's to hunt big game out of state is a beginner.