An encounter that was scary

Always good to see that folks are on the look out for problems.

It is when you are unaware of what is going on around when things have a tendency to get..........................."interesting"

Bad things tend to "occur" when you are unaware.

Top Dog
Went out hunting tonight and after about an hour I suddenly heard a deer bawling then goes quiet then the deer bawls again, so I get down with my bow in hand and go investigate, and to my surprise it was a pack of wolves 70 yards away 3 of the wolves broke away think they seen me I called a park ranger and asked if we could shoot wolves and yes we could, I started filming them with my camera then suddenly a wolf showed up at 10 yards on the other side of a tree it worked around the tree to my Left and when it got in the opening at 18 yards I released an arrow and it hit its mark then as I was looking at the rest of the pack another one came running at me I yelled to stop it and when it stopped I guessed to be 30 yards. another arrow on its way and it hit its mark, it was an encounter I never thought I would have, but glad my new mathews v3 was dialed in... hope there's not alot of haters about wolf killing as I would never thought I would of had to... to add what was so unnerving was that the wolves had no fear of me...

Snow Deer hunting Military camouflage Carnivore Hunting
Wow! Incredible encounter
That is some impressive shooting and a wild story. Thanks for sharing, we have had some close encounters in Northern MN but nothing like that.
So went out hunting and my access is walking down an old road that is over grown that comes out into a clearing, I made a make shift blind as I found this place late into the season and been chasing a really nice buck. While sitting there for a hour or so I had does walk into the clearing and they were making there way to where I walked in. The does suddenly went full alert, stomping blowing for 5 min. Then ran off. I gathered my stuff and was walking out when I found a wolf track next to my boot track, he must have went behind to where I was sitting I never did see it. Then a few days later I went back in there and it was eerie quiet then the howling started above me had 6 wolves howling I guessed they were 500 yards away. 1000002962.jpg
Man I bet that got the heart pumping… Going to be tough to top an archery double on wolves!