Alaska draw

Nada for me....buddy snagged Tok though, luck SOB.

The guy I was working with to get a Brooks trip finalized this month drew a late season Tok permit. In 2009 he drew early season Tok. I just don't know what to make of it.
put in for 12, drew 1. after 14 years of trying, got Raspberry Island elk. the Gulf of Alaska in October, weather should be great!
That's great! I'll be after elk the same time frame down here. Glad they got your boat going again, How's she running? Shoot me a PM if you ever want to come down here and chase our little deer. Josh Chevalier
Congrats to everyone who drew, and happy planning to everyone regardless :) Now we can start getting plans nailed down...

I guess I better get my bow sighted back in, and commence the push ups :)
I was honestly expecting a goose egg, so this is a pleasant surprise!

I will do my best to lasso the cow that has been calling our back yard home for you! Shouldn't take but a minute or two. Won't need a raft or a pack, perfect!
Very fortunate this year...drew a DMA sheep tag and the wife got a Lost Lake goat tag! Looks like I'll be retiring in June which should leave plenty of time to get out and stretch the legs. Congrats to everyone that drew and good luck next year to those that didn't.

Looks like it was Feast or Famine for tags. Seems like you either got a goose egg, or drew multiple tags and/or you've drawn nothing for years or have gotten a tag for years. Many of my friends, my wife and I drew nada. But then I know a couple guys that drew three or four tags...and not necessarily just "easy" tags to draw.

I didn't put in for anything on the mainland and I was wanting to kill a goat in the snow anyway so I'm not upset. But today when my buddy at work told me he had three tags on the five draws he did...I was like "c'mon bro, share the love!" lol
Very fortunate this year...drew a DMA sheep tag and the wife got a Lost Lake goat tag! Looks like I'll be retiring in June which should leave plenty of time to get out and stretch the legs. Congrats to everyone that drew and good luck next year to those that didn't.

I'm assuming you meant TMA tag. Man that is one sweet tag to draw. Been putting in for that tag going on 20 years now and still have yet to draw. Congratulations and good luck to you.
After 7 or 8 years of applying I finally pulled a Kodiak bear tag. Not one of the premo areas but I'll gladly take it. Had a buddy shoot a 9 footer in the same area about 4 years ago and hey it's Kodiak so you never know when that monster will walk out.
I completely forgot about the Alaska Draw results until I got an email from them....I drew a DG006 tag! What a great surprise! Now just have to figure out how to schedule it in with my other sheep hunts that I have booked as I wasn't planning on drawing a tag....I never draw a tag and have the worst luck ever when it comes to this stuff....
Figured it would be kind of fun to bump this thread back up to the top seeing as it is once again, the eve of the eve of the results! Good Luck to all who applied!