Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces the results of the 2022 Drawing Permits today

Negative Ghost Rider! Registration hunts for me personally. My best hunting pard got Etolin so I’ll be after Rosies again.
I like this moment regardless since I can get focused on the real opportunities. I gotta sweet south POW black bear hunt planned this spring that should be special.
Congrats to the winners
What Etolin hunt did you guys end up drawing Bighorse? I ended up with DE321 so looks like we’ll be headed in first of October! Been reading all of your posts on the hunt btw, stoke factor is high.
The second rifle tag Oct 15th till 30th. We will boat up and hunt the lowlands on the south end. Congrats on the draw! I'm assuming it's the first time. You'll have a hoot poking around and learning about the island. The first time you see one of those Roosevelt is very exciting. It's a very very serious challenge extracting one. Bring a great partner or two.
The second rifle tag Oct 15th till 30th. We will boat up and hunt the lowlands on the south end. Congrats on the draw! I'm assuming it's the first time. You'll have a hoot poking around and learning about the island. The first time you see one of those Roosevelt is very exciting. It's a very very serious challenge extracting one. Bring a great partner or two.
Yeah first time for elk, not the first time hunting in the subalpine. I've got a guy or two rounded up, as I know that hauling out one of those bad boys will not be easy. Good luck to you guys!
My nephew (hunting partner) and I drew winter musk ox. Beyond excited. Let the planning begin. Any of you out there who has experience, we'd love to hear from you. TIA
Dang, congrats. I finally gave up all hope of drawing and went and got a registration cow tag for this year. Headed to the island the end of March. You draw the tag out of Merkoryuk or interior?
Merkoryuk. On the island. Never gotten the lucky draw before. This was our second or third time trying. Please don't hate me. LOL
Dang, congrats. I finally gave up all hope of drawing and went and got a registration cow tag for this year. Headed to the island the end of March. You draw the tag out of Merkoryuk or interior?
Oh wow, so you flew out there just to get a permit?

I've wondered if people did that. I always figured they did it that way to keep the tags in native hands.
Etolin Archery Elk for this guy. Already kicked up the fitness routine and started taking cold showers to prepare for the misery.