Well, sheep season is a wrap for me.
Going into the season I had plans to take a couple of quick peek type trips into two areas before heading into the hills for a longer trip with my primary partner in late August. Both of the quick hitter missions were cut short due to weather without every really having the chance to get eyes on the primary objective or any rams.
In late August I got into the eastern Alaska Range for about 8 days and covered a fair bit of ground in two primary drainages. This was all new country for us so I don't have any idea of what a normal baseline for the area is. That having been said, I was pretty encouraged by what we saw. 120-ish sheep overall. 17 rams, three of which were legal but not what we were looing for. Very good lamb to ewe ratios at 1:1.
The week before we got into the hills it dumped snow. 12+ inches at 5000 feet and up. That was a bit limiting for where we wanted to get to, but definitely moved most of the animals out of the high country for the remainder of the year.
No horns came home with us this year but some memorable memories were made as always. A few videos of the youngsters we got to spend some time with at the link below.
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