Adam Greentree Invasive Species

Feb 8, 2017
It's physically impossible to haul an entire buffalo out of those areas without a big crew of people. Many places aren't easily accessed by vehicle, and the helicopters that go in can't carry significantly heavy loads. It's also always hot weather up there.

Not being able to use the meat isn't a good enough reason to NOT hunt those animals, and that goes for a lot of Australian game animals.
May 8, 2017
Could care less about anything Greentree says or does. Guy plead guilty to poaching. Prior to his poaching conviction/guilty plea, I got tired of him anyways. All he did was say how much he didnt want to be on social media to be "one with nature" only to have him all over social media 24/7. Dude is tired and lame.
Feb 29, 2012
East Wenatchee, WA
20ish years ago, I remember reading an article by Craig Boddington. He was in Australia hunting buffalo, and after he had killed his buff, he spent the next couple of days killing feral donkeys and other animals. The reason was twofold, one there are too many feral animals in Australia and they need to be controlled, and two, he was shooting a new bullet that was being developed by a bullet manufacturer. He said right in the article, that he didn't take great joy in the culling of animals, but it was necessary and there's no better test for a bullet than actual flesh and bone.


Aug 20, 2019
The ol' " if you do anything different than me, you're not right in the head" mantra.

So, I shoot lots of pigs...I've shot big boars and small pigs. Bow and rifle. Some at night with thermal scopes, trying to save a farmers wheat crop. So I can't get ANY satisfaction out of a well done night hunt? I can only enjoy the bow hunts for the trophy boars?

Granted, it's not the same. It's much harder to stick an old boar with an arrow than it is shoot a 70lb pig with a rifle, but it's all " fun" to me. Some methods bring a deeper satisfaction than others, ( and I'm a method snob...)but I'm not going to let pigs destroy all the habitat for other critters, just because they are more aggressive and invasive, and I'm going to enjoy the experience, because it's the right thing to do. I don't need social license.
Feb 8, 2017
The ol' " if you do anything different than me, you're not right in the head" mantra.

So, I shoot lots of pigs...I've shot big boars and small pigs. Bow and rifle. Some at night with thermal scopes, trying to save a farmers wheat crop. So I can't get ANY satisfaction out of a well done night hunt? I can only enjoy the bow hunts for the trophy boars?

Granted, it's not the same. It's much harder to stick an old boar with an arrow than it is shoot a 70lb pig with a rifle, but it's all " fun" to me. Some methods bring a deeper satisfaction than others, ( and I'm a method snob...)but I'm not going to let pigs destroy all the habitat for other critters, just because they are more aggressive and invasive, and I'm going to enjoy the experience, because it's the right thing to do. I don't need social license.
For sure, mate!

It might be difficult for others to understand but I have fun whenever I'm hunting pigs.

Traps, chasing them on quad bikes, hunting with dogs, spotlighting from a vehicle, spot and stalk with rifle/compound/recurve. It's all fun. As long as you minimise suffering wherever possible, you're good as far as I'm concerned.