I assume we're talking the raptor 8 for comparison?
Might want to ask yourself long term if there is another 30cal can of this nature in your future (or you're happy using the KGM R30K on the 6.8western). If so and you wanted to focus on the 223ai and 22br for now (or later) the DD wolf hunter would be a strong contender and should out perform all the above cans on those platforms. Its basically a Sti but in a 6mm bore, which optimizes it and makes it quieter vs the others being over bore.
DD Sti - bang for the buck and can still get replaceable end caps for now which will quiet it down for the smaller calibers some. It is likely the loudest of your list.
Sythe - shortest, lightest, more expensive than the DD Sti but likely quieter. You can still get replaceable end caps for this one.
Raptor 8 - Its probably the quietest of the ones you listed I expect with something like a 3" reflex on it, but its heavier (moreso with the reflex) and tends to be the most expensive. The modularity is nice to swap configurations but the ATF really took some wind out of the sails (or sales haha) on the concept by banning them from selling reflex's and end caps separately. So with AB you can't even get a smaller endcap to use on your 223ai and 22br if you order a 30cal stack.
The good news, any of them should make you happy. Probably just comes down to whether budget, weight or loudness are most critical in your prioritization.
For what its worth I have a Raptor 8 I like and have a DD wolf hunter in jail right now.