Are you directing that at me? I think I've made it pretty clear I think that guy is garbage.
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Yup, you and i are on the same side on this one. Appeasement as a plan to victory doesn't work. Ask the French!I see what you are saying, my problem is with people saying this guy should be supported in some misguided attempt at cooperation with anti-hunting groups. I'm clear that you believe he is a clown.
Yeah, getting close to animals and spooking them has to be bad for their mental health...I like where you're headed with this!It seems like everything is about branding these days, since facts, science, common sense, liberty, individual rights, etc...that crap doesn't matter anymore.
Long range hunters just need to first rebrand themselves as Environmentally Low Impact Game Managers or Food Harvesters. They should fund their own study showing a higher rate of clean kills (I am quite certain Ryan Avery can shoot better at 800 yds than I or the typical gym manager can at 400 yds) and also showing the decreased time they spend tromping around the woods potentially stressing prey animals which are already prone to stress.
Then they should form a nonprofit group touting the study results, and promoting the loss of hunting privileges for people like me because of our environmental impact, hunting inefficiency, and potential to take an ill advised mid-range shot while possessing only short range skills.
Catching hogs with dogs and killing them with a knife is a common occurrence where I'm from in TN originally. I have no problem with that at all. It saves ammunition and kills the hog quick. I have no problem with natives clubbing seals because that's their culture. I have no problem with shooting hogs from helicopters. If these are illegal, then I would have a different view. Hogs cause millions of dollars in crop damage every year and they are a non native species. I say shoot them however. I support all legal methods of hunting. I don't hunt high fences, but if someone else does, that's their prerogative. I'm sure not going to go blasting other hunters who do things differently than I do.There wouldn't be any fracturing. Its not like you would be breaking up some united group of hunters. We are already broken up by our own personal ethics and ideals. I didn't support the clubbing of baby seals, did you? I certainly didn't support remotely operated firearms video hunting in Texas, did you? Would you support running down hogs with dogs and then sticking them with a knife? I'm not sure I would. Do you support NVG aerial gunning of hogs and just leaving them lay for the scavengers? Again, not sure what I think about that. What about falconry. Would you be fighting right along side the bird handlers? What about the game farm operations. Are you in support of that type of hunting?
Every hunter has their own ideals that dictate what they will support and where they draw the line. But its not hunters we need on our side. Its the non-hunters who are still open to voting for and supporting hunting.
But to be clear, I don't support the ideas mentioned in that article. I'm just discussing the (Stand your ground and don't give an inch) mindset/plan that hasn't seemed to work in the political realm while I've been alive. The NRA and gun owners try much harder than Hunters at that plan and still they lose ground at a steady pace.
Catching hogs with dogs and killing them with a knife is a common occurrence where I'm from in TN originally. I have no problem with that at all. It saves ammunition and kills the hog quick. I have no problem with natives clubbing seals because that's their culture. I have no problem with shooting hogs from helicopters. If these are illegal, then I would have a different view. Hogs cause millions of dollars in crop damage every year and they are a non native species. I say shoot them however. I support all legal methods of hunting. I don't hunt high fences, but if someone else does, that's their prerogative. I'm sure not going to go blasting other hunters who do things differently than I do.
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Never apologize, never compromise, never surrender. 35 years ago, I believed bear baiting was unethical as were other forms of hunting I knew nothing about or didn't like. I was young and ignorant. I've witnessed what happens when hunters and gun rights advocates appease. Yes, it can sound "good and logical", but it's always a defeat. Is there a guaranteed way to stop the erosion of our hunting privaleges and 2nd Amendment rights? I don't think so. I believe we are all stronger if we stay together and don't let the other side divide and conquer us while chopping away at our freedoms and privaleges.
They had a basically anti hunting protest on the square in Jackson today
They had a basically anti hunting protest on the square in Jackson today