I agree this is definitely a personal choice. Lots of factors come into play.
Do you live alone? Is it going to be primarily a HD gun, and range fun is secondary, or are those priorities swapped? What’s the budget for the whole set up?
For me, if there is kids/family in the house, that precludes a shotgun. I need to be able to carefully place every shot I take, can’t do that with 9 pellets spreading out through the house.
That leaves handguns and rifles for me. PCCs have all the weight, often less reliability, less range, and often are not actually that easy to shoot well due to horrible triggers and bad ergos on many of them. Combined with zero advantage in limiting penetration, and less overall lethality, it’s not a serious option for me. I’d still use one for certain things, but it’s not my first choice.
I’ll always have a handgun, because I carry outside my house as well. But for dedicated HD only type use, an AR with short barrel and suppressor is ideal to me. Sure it’s not super quiet, but I’m comfortable with the risk vs reward of firing a few shots and risking hearing damage in a life or death situation. But, I’ve already got some of that anyway.
One thing I’ll caution the casual user against, a suppressor changes the gas pressure and therefore speed of the bolt moving and feeding. This can cause some reliability issues. A flow through suppressor like Huxwrx fixes that to a degree, but it’s not as quiet. If you suppress an AR, make sure the gas system is also tuned for reliability. And keep in mind the whole system gets dirtier when you add a suppressor.