Why suppressors?

If you hunt it’s a game changer in my experience, especially if you’re trying to get multiple animals out of a herd. It’s like they can’t pinpoint the sound, so they become alert, but don’t take off after a shot
It depends on what you are shooting, but being hearing safe without ear protection is nice on 308 sized cartridges. Or being hearing safe with ear pro on big magnums.

While not silent, a suppressed shot is still much quieter than an unsuppressed shot.

Reduced recoil is another advantage.

I got my first can last October and picked it up in March. I know have 3 mufflers and enjoy shooting more.

This is actually a little embarrassing, but I found myself shooting without a can recently and hd to take a few shots to work through flinching (on a 16.5 inch 223, so not exactly a recoil thing). The truth hurts to admit in this case.
It depends on what you are shooting, but being hearing safe without ear protection is nice on 308 sized cartridges. Or being hearing safe with ear pro on big magnums.

While not silent, a suppressed shot is still much quieter than an unsuppressed shot.

Reduced recoil is another advantage.

I got my first can last October and picked it up in March. I know have 3 mufflers and enjoy shooting more.

This is actually a little embarrassing, but I found myself shooting without a can recently and hd to take a few shots to work through flinching (on a 16.5 inch 223, so not exactly a recoil thing). The truth hurts to admit in this case.

I wouldn’t call it embarrassing. You know your sweet spot. Keep it there
I shoot better with a suppressor. A lifetime of shooting and other noise & barotrauma has sensitized my sinuses & ears. Even doubled up with plugs & muffs, I have a physical reaction to unsuppressed (particularly braked) gunfire. With a suppressor I can stay in the shot.

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Most of it has been well covered, but a couple benefits that have not been mentioned:

-Suppressed supersonic sounds are tough to locate. In a hunting scenario where you want to shoot multiples (pigs) they will just as often run toward you as away. This would also have benefit in tactical settings, of course.

-Because your ears aren’t ringing and you’re not wearing plugs, you can hear the finer noises of where an animal runs, or the sound of other animals around you.

-Because your ears aren’t ringing and you’re not wearing plugs, you can communicate easily with your teammates, both before and after shooting. Again, tactical benefit as well.
I get it. I’ve never had that ringing. Maybe my hearing is gone already and maybe that’s why I smell well haha.

Maybe it’s the same audible exclusion in the deer woods when I send a single round as I experience at work. Even at work after rounds are sent I’ve never had that ringing. One even left me w a little ringing after about an hour and adrenaline dumped but even that wasn’t bad.
I’m not arguing yiur points, I agree, and will mount the suppressor. I also know that not sending repeated rounds at deer, but I also agree that even that one can make a diff long term.
After shooting a magnum round with a side brake and no hearing protection, you quickly realize that you had made a mistake. Afterwards you think, I probably should have made time to put in hearing protection. Suppressors are a significant benefit in the hunting world, which others have explained in detail. I started using one on my hunting rifle last year and recently have purchase 2 more.