Why suppressors?

I have no interest in hunting without one. The reduced recoil, lack of muzzle blast (not slowly going deaf over time or having to bring hearing protection hunting), as well as the lessened reaction of animals which I have seen firsthand.

when I was a kid, shooting without hearing protection was no big deal. We all did it. Now when I hear about my buddy shooting a few unsuppressed shots at deer without it every year, I wince. That’s really not good.

It’s 2024, we should all know better by now. Every single shot fired without hearing protection is permanent hearing damage. My dad is near deaf at 67 with gunshots between the Marines and the couple of shots a year over 50+ years of hunting almost definitely to blame. I am more than confident that he would not need hearing aids if he started using a suppressor in the 60’s. Unfortunately it wasn’t until the last 5 or so years.

I’m 30, I don’t plan on needing hearing aids to have a conversation on the couch with my wife in 30 years.
It took over a year to have It approved, now much faster and I love to go to the range with CAN and enjoy hunting with CAN so much,
I have shot for years without any hearing protection while hunting. Never seemed to bother me, as I was in the same thought process as that one shot wouldn’t hurt. About two years ago I bought a new rifle. 30 Nosler with a side baffle break. Shot 3 times at a caribou without hearing protection and had pain and ringing in my left ear for days. Definitely did permanent damage. 2 years later still have loud tinnitus all the time. I always say I’m going to put in my ear buds but never seem to find time when the moment happens. So I switched to suppressed so I don’t even have to think about it.
You're not supposed to eat the lead!!
Hard to avoid when my 77gr TMKs are shaking it like a salt shaker through the shoulder.

Edit: The love I get from my wound channel photos fo sho makes up for it. My kids wont know what I did to em…developmental delays and all
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I have shot for years without any hearing protection while hunting. Never seemed to bother me, as I was in the same thought process as that one shot wouldn’t hurt. About two years ago I bought a new rifle. 30 Nosler with a side baffle break. Shot 3 times at a caribou without hearing protection and had pain and ringing in my left ear for days. Definitely did permanent damage. 2 years later still have loud tinnitus all the time. I always say I’m going to put in my ear buds but never seem to find time when the moment happens. So I switched to suppressed so I don’t even have to think about it.


30 Nosler braked with no hearing pro? I can feel blood coming out my ear canal.
I’ve never wanted a suppressor, until the doctor told me that I had moderate hearing damage in my left ear. As a right handed shooter, the stock probably shielded my right ear from the blasts.

I now own 1 and plan on buying more.
Hard to avoid when my 77gr TMKs are shaking it like a salt shaker through the shoulder.

Edit: The love I get from my wound channel photos fo sho makes up for it. My kids wont know what I did to em…developmental delays and all
The 77 TMKs do spread the love! Shoulders are a pain in the ass to butcher even when they aren't shot up. When in doubt.....
100% agree!

I don't know about others but for myself and pretty much everyone I know that shoots suppressed we all agree it just makes everything better.
Like my incel nephew who never leaves the basement always says, once you go Black-Ops inspired kit, you never go back
100% agree!

I don't know about others but for myself and pretty much everyone I know that shoots suppressed we all agree it just makes everything better.
I am to the point I won’t hunt with someone who doesn’t use a suppressor. Even wearing ear protection being next to a shooter with an AR, my tinnitus has not recovered. Not worth it. Either get a can on the gun or I am not going hunting.
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