A 9mm PCC for home defense ?!?!?

RE: WHERE you live... I'd just say BE REALISTIC with yourself in your assessment of just How Much gun you need for that home defense situation. Always gotta remember that you're responsible for that bullet and everything it damages, for the full length of it's flight path after it leaves your barrel!

And I mean... can you imagine if an innocent got taken out by one of your rounds? FOCK! Ugh.

In that regard, you all living more rural? Oooooh weeee! You can go Hog Wild by comparison, with what you want to run!

In the City? 4" .357 Mag w Hunting rounds is REALLY pushing it.

I'd had an ND, and it went thru two TOUGH pieces of double-paned top-of-the-line "glass", travelled 20 more yards, and broke thru the first layer of the rear brickwall brick surface. Thankfully I always make sure to point safe direction though. So only hurt my pocket book.

Point being wanted to share that experience here, so others can perhaps use it to form or re-form their judgements about just how much power levels they should strap up with for home defense, depending on where you live, and how near to your neighbors you are.