9mm vs 10mm for Bear defense.

Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
I’m confused by what you’re saying here. I totally agree in principal…double lung a bear and they stop quick. At least that’s been my experiences and what I’ve observed.

But….to double lung black bears I aim nearly middle of the middle. That same shot would gut shoot a deer. A perfect shoulder crease shot on deer could miss the bears lungs.
Deer have larger lungs proportionally to their bodies and hearts that are farther 'back' than bears do. 1000008319.jpg


Dec 10, 2019
I just love to show up to these threads to be an asshole and point out that for 90+% (my own made up number) of people recreating in Grizzly country a handgun is just extra weight and indulging some fantasy of gunning down a charging grizzly with ice in their veins.
There are a lot of dudes with brand new 10mm in tacti-cool chest rigs in the elk woods every fall who don’t have any first aid kit or even a tourniquet in their bag…

There’s also about a million granola crunchers who backpack through the area that aren’t turning into bear food most of whom aren’t packing.
I also saw an article recently where grizzly bears are repelled by patchouli oil. I just sold my 10mm to buy a 9mm, but maybe I will save myself a bunch of money and give the hippy method a try.


Feb 20, 2017
I also saw an article recently where grizzly bears are repelled by patchouli oil. I just sold my 10mm to buy a 9mm, but maybe I will save myself a bunch of money and give the hippy method a try.

Mixed with a good dose of BO it is rather effective on anything that breathes.


Aug 15, 2020
I went down the 10mm route a decade ago when the popular consideration was .44 mag vs 10mm. It took a few thousand rounds of 10mm practice to even feel like I could use it halfway competently even with experience on a 9mm. Still with practice my split times are going to be ~50% slower with 10mm than a 9mm.

10mm pistols have gotten better in recent years but ergonomically they tend to much worse than a 9mm from the same model line. 10mm’s also tend to be more compromised from a reliability standpoint than 9mm’s all other things equal.

I’m committed to the 10mm world right now from holsters/ammo/gear for this application but I would seriously consider just shooting 9mm in the future for bears with the right loads. A lot of people already have a good 9mm so it’s hard to spend the time and money for marginal ballistic gains that aren’t without compromises.