7 PRC Velocities / FACTORY Ammo

Not to mention I think it recoils less so it's more enjoyable to shoot than my 30-06!
I have to imagine the recoil is "technically" higher with the 7 due to science and stuff (saw one vid that placed it between and 06 and a .300 wm which makes sense on paper) but yea - totally apples to oranges in my case, but my 7 PRC has a break and a carbon fiber stock - my 30-06 is a factory tikka and is not super fun to shoot on the recoil front :) The 7 feels much closer to my 6.5 tikka then my 06 honestly and I can shoot it a lot without being bugged... now just waiting for my can to get out of jail as I don't love shooting braked :-)
I have to imagine the recoil is "technically" higher with the 7 due to science and stuff (saw one vid that placed it between and 06 and a .300 wm which makes sense on paper) but yea - totally apples to oranges in my case, but my 7 PRC has a break and a carbon fiber stock - my 30-06 is a factory tikka and is not super fun to shoot on the recoil front :) The 7 feels much closer to my 6.5 tikka then my 06 honestly and I can shoot it a lot without being bugged... now just waiting for my can to get out of jail as I don't love shooting braked :)
Yeah that makes sense. I swear my 30-06 is the hardest recoiling rifle I own and its far from the biggest caliber I have. But, like you said, it has more to do with the rifle than the caliber in this case
There really isn't much advantage say over a 8 twist 7 rem mag with handloads is there?
Serious question
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Not to sidetrack too much but doesn't everyone ignore the belt after fire forming anyway?

I do see the validity of the prc over the rem mag if you want factory loads and a factory rifle, but otherwise it just seems not worth it for me already having a 8 twist long action 7mm.

Im also wondering if a short barrel 7 saum be able to push the 160-180 class bullets at equivalent speeds as the 7 prc?
Not to sidetrack too much but doesn't everyone ignore the belt after fire forming anyway?

I do see the validity of the prc over the rem mag if you want factory loads and a factory rifle, but otherwise it just seems not worth it for me already having a 8 twist long action 7mm.

Im also wondering if a short barrel 7 saum be able to push the 160-180 class bullets at equivalent speeds as the 7 prc?

If your using standard dies a 7 mag will still headspace off the belt. If your sizing off shoulder bump then there's not much advantage. You do lose capacity on a 7 mag running heavy bullets but I think it has more capacity anyways.

If you already have a fast twist 7 mag there not much benefit.

I'm building a 7 PRC and think they're really cool but it's mostly a benefit to the factory ammo factory rifle crowd. It does fix most of the things that annoyed me about the previous 7 mags I've had. I also believe it's about as much horsepower as is reasonably usable in a hunting platform. It's the most wind defying ability I can afford myself in something I can still spot impacts with anyways.
There really isn't much advantage say over a 8 twist 7 rem mag with handloads is there?
Serious question
You could totally get the same or similar performance with that set up... all depends on what you want and if you want factory support.

Brass life is TBD, but the PRC is an efficient cartridge, so I'm assuming it will have good brass life.
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Faster twist and shorter case, just like all the other Hornady cartridges. Nothing that can’t be done with a custom barrel for lots of existing cartridges.

All the way.. It very much appeals to someone who wants to buy ammo off the shelf and not handload.
Not to sidetrack too much but doesn't everyone ignore the belt after fire forming anyway?
The whole belt thing is such a non-issue. I don't understand why people say they just don't want to deal with a belt when reloading. Really? Belted cases have been around forever and it seems like it's not a big deal for 99% of handloaders so I question the capabilities and procedures of those who say it's an issue.
The whole belt thing is such a non-issue. I don't understand why people say they just don't want to deal with a belt when reloading. Really? Belted cases have been around forever and it seems like it's not a big deal for 99% of handloaders so I question the capabilities and procedures of those who say it's an issue.
If your pushing the shoulder back 10 to 15 thousandths each firing because you don't know to not full length size and only getting 3 firings before you have case web separation it's kind of an issue. Especially with brass costing upwards of 2 bucks a piece.

I would say most of your average loaders are bottoming out their shell holder on the sizing die like the instructions say to and getting less than optional accuracy and bigger es then if they had a case originally designed to headspace off the shoulder.
If your pushing the shoulder back 10 to 15 thousandths each firing because you don't know to not full length size and only getting 3 firings before you have case web separation it's kind of an issue. Especially with brass costing upwards of 2 bucks a piece.

I would say most of your average loaders are bottoming out their shell holder on the sizing die like the instructions say to and getting less than optional accuracy and bigger es then if they had a case originally designed to headspace off the shoulder.
True, but that goes back to their competency and understanding of what is happening.

On Sunday I was out at the range and put 50 rounds through my 300wm and that's the 8th firing on those cases with a not so light (76.4gr) load of RL26....cases are doing great.
You knowingly sidetracked a thread op asked to stay on topic but it’s my fault because that was yesterday. Cool.

Won’t be a problem again
I'm just saying it was already said and done until you decided to bring it up telling people to shut up whilst nobody was talking.
Am I wrong?
My 7 SAUM with 22" barrel is getting 2875 fps with 180Eldm's easily. I pushed it up over 2900fps, but accuracy was best at 2875fps.

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Gonna bump this thread since it’s a few months old. Anyone feel like sharing their velocities? I’m running a 22” Proof Sendero but don’t have a chrono. Only have 20 rounds through it so far. Will try to pick up a chrono in the next week or so and I’ll start sharing velocities.