7 PRC Velocities / FACTORY Ammo

I started hand loading because I didn’t like the ES of factory loads. I went from 2873 to 3024 fps with an ES of 13 and tight groups. The 22” barrel turns out to be a great choice, it’s hammering now. Using Reloder 26, 175 ELDX and Hornady Brass.
Those are great numbers! If only a guy could find some of that magic powder.
Bumping this thread.
Wonder if anyone has been out shooting 7prc ELD-x by Hornady and Federal?
I got my 7prc (tikka action/proof carbon 22”) put together and just trying to decide if I should go with ELD-X (I want to use this bullet for hunting as I’ve been very happy with it in other calibers).
Federal vs Hornady. Any real difference?
Federal ELD-X and Terminal Ascent 170s are both great loads that are fast, good pressure, and consistent in my guns.

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A good video from Spomer that corroborates the above. I shot yesterday, Seekins Element 7PRC, 22" factory barrel, with suppressor.

Hornady 180gr ELD-M averaged 2810fps , box adveritised as 3000fps.

Federal 175gr ELD-X averaged 2965fps, box advertised as 3000fps.

Federal 155 fps faster in my gun.

I watched this whole video...the Hornady guy seems nervous and defensive IMO.

His explanation on powder availability seems reasonable, but I do not buy his argument that "only some lots are effected" I have been shooting my rifle for about a year, and every Hornady box I've shot has been significantly slower than advertised. ELD-M, ELD-X, and CX.
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Thank you all for the information in this thread.

Out of principle, I abandoned the Hornady 7mm PRC altogether. I literally did this mid 7mm PRC build yesterday by walking into my gun shop, selling my parts, and placed orders for a 6.8 western. I will lose money in this swap as all items not returnable full price, but that was negligible to me vs the principle. As someone who does not reload having up to 300fps differences of velocities between boxes of ammunition is just not acceptable. Hornady has lost my support.
Thank you all for the information in this thread.

Out of principle, I abandoned the Hornady 7mm PRC altogether. I literally did this mid 7mm PRC build yesterday by walking into my gun shop, selling my parts, and placed orders for a 6.8 western. I will lose money in this swap as all items not returnable full price, but that was negligible to me vs the principle. As someone who does not reload having up to 300fps differences of velocities between boxes of ammunition is just not acceptable. Hornady has lost my support.
Did you not see the part where Federal Ammo is shooting as advertised?

I definitely agree about Hornady screwing customers over on the ammo with this one, but there are other options for factory cartridges. Post up your 7PRC parts here!
I don’t think there’s a giant conspiracy here or it won’t perform long term. I think they have a less than ideal powder/load right now, which is what they’ve said, and clearly it’s impacted velocity. Federal has clearly put together a good load and continues to have powder to support it. No telling how long the “slump” lasts with powder availability. It’s super annoying, yes, but people are acting as if it’s never attained advertised speed?
Did you not see the part where Federal Ammo is shooting as advertised?

I definitely agree about Hornady screwing customers over on the ammo with this one, but there are other options for factory cartridges. Post up your 7PRC parts here!
I did and am aware of Federal performance. I actually purchased 5 boxes of the Federal ELDX ammo after this all came out, which do have the better velocities. Despite the Federal positive ELDX velocities, I just didn’t want to support a cartridge that was developed by Hornady. Probably a bit crazy, but mind was made up.

I’ll post those 5 boxes soon with hopes of local pickup in Bend, OR. All other parts I already swapped (action, barrel, hnt26 la).
It’s just a principle thing to me. I don’t support the ‘slippery slope’ of specific brands when possible.

You can see my other original thread of a 7mm PRC Build thread from June 2023 prior to any powder issues.

To each their own and respect for each individual decisions on the 7mm PRC. I won’t be responding further.
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Not following the brand logic... going from Hornady to Winchester is just supporting a different brand no?

I mean shoot what ya want and what makes you happy - full support from me there! 6.8 western is a cool cartridge!

Like it or not, big red has done a lot for the shooting community the last 15-20 years between cartridges, reloading components, and affordable match ammo with decent consistency.

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Geez. People really trashed that place i guess no one picks up their shells anymore?

What about groups? Did you see any difference in groups between F vs H?
Yeah this was my first time coming out to this specific range. Had no idea people would leave so much trash everywhere, was really disappointing to see. We picked up everything we brought in but it really needs a dedicated volunteer event to clean up. It was ridiculous.

The Hornady seemed to be more inconsistent with high and low shots due to higher variance on velocity. I’m planning on going to another range that goes out to 1000 and seeing if it’s more noticeable as I was only able to take it to 150 at this specific range.