6.5 PRC Dilemma

If you absolutely wanna 6.5 go with a 6.5x 284 exact same ballistics as the PRC except for you can find brass and ammo cheaper and easier. But you’re still probably better off with a 270 win for those distances.
Just buy a 7mm08 and say to hell with both the Creed and PRC. Neither one will do anything that the 7-08 can't out to 500. Problem solved.

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I don't disagree as far as effectiveness, but the 7-08 is borderline identical to my .308 in my eyes.
I don't disagree as far as effectiveness, but the 7-08 is borderline identical to my .308 in my eyes.
Except better ballistics and you can run lighter loads with good BCs out to 500 and repurpose your 308 brass to cover all your bases.

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With the PRC you are going to pick up 400 ft-lbs of extra energy at 500 yards. Personally, I went with PRC over creed because I wanted Creedmoor speeds out of a 16-inch barrel! If you are going to be shooting a lot of ammo, I would go with a creed.
What speeds are you getting out of your 16” barrel? I’m getting 2842 out of my 18” right now pushing Berger 156s.
What speeds are you getting out of your 16” barrel? I’m getting 2842 out of my 18” right now pushing Berger 156s.
I have not even shot it yet but I should be getting similar speeds but with a 130 grain Hammer hunter! Waiting for a can to clear before I start load development on it!
It's all needless mental masturbation at sub 500 ranges. Pick any big game caliber you like and go hunting. You are obsessing over meaningless matters in the real world.
Lol, this.

I went the other way in 21st century 6.5 options and downsized a couple hundred fps from the Creedmoor to the 6.5 Grendel, well I didn't downsize, I've never owned a Creedmoor and likely won't, the Creed feeling way too vanilla and just a little too perfect, the 21st century .308 lol. I downsized from the .270 win, my fav of all 20th century cartridges. We're doing well to 420 yards so far with our little 6.5 Grandma's. Heck if guys are smashing elk to 400 yards with a .223 should be safe to 500 with just about anything lol.

If you gotta be different I like the .270 win vote as a top 20th century cartridge choice and a solid 600 yard cartridge imo. Otherwise the 6.5 Creedmoor matches the .270's 600 yard impact velocities but burns a fair bit less powder and doing it in a short action. With certain rifles like Tikka where you're getting the same length action and magazines anyway it's not that hard a leap to run a .270 win. I would choose the .270 win over the 7-08 7 days a week but I'll take a 6.5 Creedmoor over a 7-08 also. Especially if good factory ammo availability is a consideration and maybe even resale, both should be good with .270 win and it will always be popular, I feel like the .270 win will become more popular but at the very least retain it's popularity as it's the best choice of the 20th century cartridges when understanding 21st century ballistics imo and as close to 6.5 Creedmoor match as you'll find, much to like. O'Connor would approve, Elmer would roll over in his grave. ;)

and don't kid yourself, the 6.5 PRC will become as vanilla as anything also, it was only introduced at the 2020 shot show, it's still just a bandwagon baby, the Creed was introduced 2008, the little Grandma was the first of the 21st century 6.5's introduced at 2004 shot show. so in a few years your PRC will be just as man bun as the creed haha
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I think that's a very important distinction to make. While some match bullets have proven to be incredible hunting bullets, That most assuredly doesn't translate to them all. There are some match bullets I would used based on the collective experiences of a lot of people. Some have not yet been vetted. I haven't read much about Nosler match bullets being used on game. They may be good, but it won't be me that figures it out.
I had GA Precision build me my first 6.5 PRC. They get and sell ammo often at about $40/$45 a box. Also bought a case from Murdoch's for about $34 a box I think. It's out there, just look around.
I had GA Precision build me my first 6.5 PRC. They get and sell ammo often at about $40/$45 a box. Also bought a case from Murdoch's for about $34 a box I think. It's out there, just look around.
You can't just throw that out there, we need rifle pics!!!
Buy both
I have both a creedmoor and a prc, and I think the are only slightly redundant. Creedmoor is more of a practice, antelope, whitetail off the pivot gun. Anything is on the menu with the PRC.

This forum misses @Formidilosus. The amount of “match bullets can’t hunt” rhetoric is really climbing.
I have both too. PRC is my favorite, but the creedmoor bounces around in the truck everyday.
Alright, gonna go pick it up next week. My store has both the X-Bolt HC speed and the X-Bolt HC long range in stock for 6.5 PRC. Question to y’all:
Speed has 24” barrel and weighs 6lb/7oz
LR has 26” barrel and weighs 7lb/3oz

What would you recommend? I’m leaning towards the LR. To me, a 26” pipe isn’t going to hang up on any more stuff than a 24” pipe when walking around. The 26” will provide better velocity, which makes me feel better about going PRC over CM (if you’re gonna take the drawbacks of the PRC, might as well capitalize on the pros). I would prefer the lighter weight, but I’ll live with it as neither are super heavy.

What do you think?
To the OP question. Right now if you do not reload go 6.5 cm or 6 cm. If you are going to use the same gun for practice then 6.5 cm, I do reload and have a 6.5 prc along with a 7mm-08 that I use for hunting. I use another cartridge for practice. My 7 rm stays on the shelf so I might as well sell it. I am thinking of replacing one of the above rifles with a 6cm of 6.5 cm. They will do the same job with less recoil.
I want a 6.5 PRC. I hate the 6.5 CM (just because I'm on that team which is dumb - I know). However, I'm seriously struggling to rationalize selling your first born child to have access to PRC ammo, and then paying $4/shot. Ballistically I don't know that I'll see much difference, I don't see myself ever shooting an animal further than 500y. With the 130gr Terminal Ascent (what I'd prefer to shoot) I'm getting a 165fps difference at 500y, 199ft-lb of energy difference at 500y, and 8" less drop/2" less wind drift at 500y. I'm team PRC just because it doesn't say "creedmoor" and I can rationalize the hate with a couple hundred FPS.

What do you recommend?

Gun will be used primarily for deer within 500y.
I don't handload (yet).
What did a box of premium 6.5 PRC cost before the shortage? Saw a box of Hornady ELD-M for $90 yesterday - best price I've seen for that round.
If you love your PRC please chime in to tell me to just do it cause that's what I want, just struggling with the rationalization.
Just get a creed unless you are reloading, at those ranges, the TA is a great performer. You have choices… creed=man bun, prc=flat brim, skinny jeans, and probably a mullet… at least you can find creed ammo, and inside 500yds, nothing will know the difference between the two