I was in the same boat as you , have a .308win and looked @ the power / range issues and started the 6.5 search. Eliminated CM for obvious reasons , PRC no way with ammunition problems & prices , 6.5x55 or 6.5-284 looked promising, then I reevaluate the WTF I want to try to kill game @ 500+ meters , the ammunition for long range hunting is expensive and is only good @ 200+ yards ( the ELD-x is explosive and terrible penetration same with other long range design bullets)
Settled on .308 with 130-150 ttsx is deer and elk medicine from 10-400 yards and it’s already there in the safe . I stopped listening to the guys beating the 500-800 meters hunting drums, it’s redundant and ridiculous to setup for long range when 90% of my shots are 10-400 yards
amigo if you’re one of them dude’s wanting to shoot 1/2 mile , bueno !! but it’s expensive and obtuse IMO
ok last 2ct worth
I have been a guide since 1991 and in my experience the longer the shots the less the chance of a clean kill , guys that can ring the gong @ 500 off the bench usually miss in field conditions, it’s a different world
being out of breath, bad rest , spooky animal, +20mph cross wind , ect