6.5 PRC Dilemma

I want a 6.5 PRC. I hate the 6.5 CM (just because I'm on that team which is dumb - I know). However, I'm seriously struggling to rationalize selling your first born child to have access to PRC ammo, and then paying $4/shot. Ballistically I don't know that I'll see much difference, I don't see myself ever shooting an animal further than 500y. With the 130gr Terminal Ascent (what I'd prefer to shoot) I'm getting a 165fps difference at 500y, 199ft-lb of energy difference at 500y, and 8" less drop/2" less wind drift at 500y. I'm team PRC just because it doesn't say "creedmoor" and I can rationalize the hate with a couple hundred FPS.

What do you recommend?

Gun will be used primarily for deer within 500y.
I don't handload (yet).
What did a box of premium 6.5 PRC cost before the shortage? Saw a box of Hornady ELD-M for $90 yesterday - best price I've seen for that round.
If you love your PRC please chime in to tell me to just do it cause that's what I want, just struggling with the rationalization.
I own a 6.5 PRC, 6.5 CM and 308. If your shots on game are 650 or less, I would go with a Creedmoor or 308.
My PRC has quickly become my favorite gun to shoot. Ammo can be a bit of a bummer to find but is out there if you keep your eyes peeled. I have found it at Sportsmans, a local shop and ordered from Unknown Munitions. The stuff from Sportsmans and my local shop has all been under $50 per box for the Hornady 143 grain eldx. To me its worth buying the gun and watching the stores for ammo. I check Sportsmans Facebook page regularly cause they post when they get their ammo in. A couple months back I was scrolling Facebook and saw they had posted PRC ammo at like 8 at night, I jumped off the couch and ran down there and bought the last 5 boxes they had.
The 7mm Rem Mag club is a good one to be in. Lots of great bullets in .284 bore, low/moderate recoil, fits in a 30-06 length box better than a 300 Win Mag, external ballistics are superior to the 6.5 CM and at least as good as the PRC, terminal ballistics of the 7mm RM are superior.
I was in the same boat as you , have a .308win and looked @ the power / range issues and started the 6.5 search. Eliminated CM for obvious reasons , PRC no way with ammunition problems & prices , 6.5x55 or 6.5-284 looked promising, then I reevaluate the WTF I want to try to kill game @ 500+ meters , the ammunition for long range hunting is expensive and is only good @ 200+ yards ( the ELD-x is explosive and terrible penetration same with other long range design bullets)
Settled on .308 with 130-150 ttsx is deer and elk medicine from 10-400 yards and it’s already there in the safe . I stopped listening to the guys beating the 500-800 meters hunting drums, it’s redundant and ridiculous to setup for long range when 90% of my shots are 10-400 yards

amigo if you’re one of them dude’s wanting to shoot 1/2 mile , bueno !! but it’s expensive and obtuse IMO

ok last 2ct worth

I have been a guide since 1991 and in my experience the longer the shots the less the chance of a clean kill , guys that can ring the gong @ 500 off the bench usually miss in field conditions, it’s a different world
being out of breath, bad rest , spooky animal, +20mph cross wind , ect
I agree that 95% of my shots will be within 10-400y, and that's why I'm struggling with choosing the additional headaches that a PRC gives you over the CM. The only thing hanging me up is the PRC is what I WANT (not need).
It's all needless mental masturbation at sub 500 ranges. Pick any big game caliber you like and go hunting. You are obsessing over meaningless matters in the real world.
That's my issue! I know that at my ranges I should go for the cheaper to shoot/easier to find, but I was hoping for some people to give me extra firepower for choosing PRC.
I agree that 95% of my shots will be within 10-400y, and that's why I'm struggling with choosing the additional headaches that a PRC gives you over the CM. The only thing hanging me up is the PRC is what I WANT (not need).
Want it! Buy it!!! Mark the 2000fps range and shoot some good tough bullets (ttsx , hammer , accubond, nosler partitions) and run it
So your 6.5 CM worked so well you sold it and went with something else?? Am I reading the post wrong?
Precisely..watching the impact I could tell at that range I shouldn't have taken the shot. Even using RL26 and pushing that ELDX at 2950 the hit looked soft. Too soft for my liking. The round blew up and the jacket went through the off shoulder, luckily the shank punched both lungs and the heart. For me using that creed I need to keep the shot inside of 400 yards. I'd taken elk the prior two seasons with the gun but all inside of 200 yards and the hits looked like what I want. I shoot a lot, I reload, I'm no expert on anything but I think....for me....I'm way more confident with the PRC and sometimes it really comes down to confidence. The creed left me wanting.-WW
ps...I don't want to see just a twitch, I'm looking for their knees to buckle, or flop over. I couldn't even tell I hit that cow. I grew up shooting a .270 and 30-06, I prefer to see the hit, and the critter notices is all.
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What about giving the 6.8 Western a look instead of the 6.5 PRC?

I think the 6.8 Western probably offers a little more in the way of being a deer or elk rifle and ammo for the 6.8 Western is easily gotten and just about everywhere you look and costs considerably less than 6.5PRC ammo.
What about giving the 6.8 Western a look instead of the 6.5 PRC?

I think the 6.8 Western probably offers a little more in the way of being a deer or elk rifle and ammo for the 6.8 Western is easily gotten and just about everywhere you look and costs considerably less than 6.5PRC ammo.
I’ve been waiting for someone to bring up the 6.8 western.
Precisely..watching the impact I could tell at that range I shouldn't have taken the shot. Even using RL26 and pushing that ELDX at 2950 the hit looked soft. Too soft for my liking. The round blew up and the jacket went through the off shoulder, luckily the shank punched both lungs and the heart. For me using that creed I need to keep the shot inside of 400 yards. I'd taken elk the prior two seasons with the gun but all inside of 200 yards and the hits looked like what I want. I shoot a lot, I reload, I'm no expert on anything but I think....for me....I'm way more confident with the PRC and sometimes it really comes down to confidence. The creed left me wanting.-WW
ps...I don't want to see just a twitch, I'm looking for their knees to buckle, or flop over. I couldn't even tell I hit that cow. I grew up shooting a .270 and 30-06, I prefer to see the hit, and the critter notices is all.
I am sorry man - this is the dumbest thing I have read all day. You haven’t killed many elk I am guessing 🤣🤣. The elk took two steps and buckled. Sometimes that does’t happen with a 300 rum at 550 yards. You aren’t going to gain anything material at 550 yards with a PRC over a creedmoor.
The only downside to the 6.8 Western is I don't know that there are nearly as many choices with regard to buying a gun chambered in it compared to the 6.5PRC. I don't think Tikka or Sako is chambering anything in 6.8 Western yet but if they do that'd probably be my first choice.
What about giving the 6.8 Western a look instead of the 6.5 PRC?

I think the 6.8 Western probably offers a little more in the way of being a deer or elk rifle and ammo for the 6.8 Western is easily gotten and just about everywhere you look and costs considerably less than 6.5PRC ammo.
The difference is in 5 years the 6.8 western will be in the same place the 7mm WSM is or 30 Nosler is because Hornady didnt create it. Their marketing team is awesome.
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What about giving the 6.8 Western a look instead of the 6.5 PRC?

I think the 6.8 Western probably offers a little more in the way of being a deer or elk rifle and ammo for the 6.8 Western is easily gotten and just about everywhere you look and costs considerably less than 6.5PRC ammo.
Midway only carries 5 types of 6.8 western and all are out of stock. It doesn't appear Federal loads it at all. Isn't it more of a handloaders cartridge at this point in time?
Precisely..watching the impact I could tell at that range I shouldn't have taken the shot. Even using RL26 and pushing that ELDX at 2950 the hit looked soft. Too soft for my liking. The round blew up and the jacket went through the off shoulder, luckily the shank punched both lungs and the heart. For me using that creed I need to keep the shot inside of 400 yards. I'd taken elk the prior two seasons with the gun but all inside of 200 yards and the hits looked like what I want. I shoot a lot, I reload, I'm no expert on anything but I think....for me....I'm way more confident with the PRC and sometimes it really comes down to confidence. The creed left me wanting.-WW
ps...I don't want to see just a twitch, I'm looking for their knees to buckle, or flop over. I couldn't even tell I hit that cow. I grew up shooting a .270 and 30-06, I prefer to see the hit, and the critter notices is all.
Yep, dang ELD-x & ELD-m or any weak unbonded bullets = these types of results, F hornday and the marketing team , some things look great on paper and are a bad idea in the field.
6.8 western https://thebiggamehuntingblog.com/6-8-western/
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