3rd annual Kansas scraps bowhunt

Next two maybe!

Those two were already standing (3:55 PM) when I made final check on them before going out of view. By the time I got there they were up and I bumped them. But! They got with a nice buck on their way out. Will be after him tomorrow.
It’s as good as anything else I’ve used. You’re seeing images shot through grass, zoomed, wiiindy, etc. Did y’all know it’s windy in Kansas? It’s like Wyoming lite out here.
You know what…the pictures aren’t near as crisp as the videos. I can see a degradation when I switch. This phone has three lenses so might not be using it best.

You can see some videos on my Insta story to compare, much better. @sons_of_the_sod
You know what…the pictures aren’t near as crisp as the videos. I can see a degradation when I switch. This phone has three lenses so might not be using it best.

You can see some videos on my Insta story to compare, much better. @sons_of_the_sod
I’m having this issue as well. I cannot use the camera because it washes everything out. I’ve tried all three lenses and tried to mess with settings. Video works great, I just take screen shots from that. I had the iPhone 11 when I got the magview and it wasn’t an issue, so it’s something with the 14 (what I have now).